On April 26, the NATO Neptune Strike exercise began, which will end on May 10 and in which the Spanish Navy participates.
In this exercise, which takes place in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, four aircraft carriers from two countries of the Atlantic Alliance coincide: the "Juan Carlos I" L-61, which is the flagship of the Spanish Navy, its sister ship the TCG Anadolu (L-400) of the Turkish Navy, the "Charles de Gaulle" R91 of the French National Navy and the " Cavour" C550 of the Italian Military Navy.
In addition to these aircraft carriers, another 21 ships, 48 aircraft and two Marine Infantry battalions, one of them Spanish, participate in this exercise (the First Landing Battalion of the Tercio de Armada). 4,600 soldiers from 15 countries participate in this exercise.
Simultaneously, the Expeditionary Combat Group "Dédalo 24" of the Spanish Navy, led by the L-61, is also participating in the Mare Aperto exercise organized by the Italian Navy and in which they participate 6,000 allied soldiers.
The General Staff of Defense (EMAD) of Spain has indicated today that the objective of the Neptune Strike exercise "is to improve the Alliance's ability to work in joint and multi-domain operations, integrate groups of allied aircraft carriers and directly support the allied deterrence and defense strategy."
EMAD has also reported that during the Neptune Strike exercise "Harrier aircraft will fly alongside the allies over the skies of Slovakia, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Montenegro and Albania, and will carry out support missions to the contingents deployed in the countries of Eastern Europe, including the Spanish troops in Slovakia." Let us also remember that a few days ago these Spanish Navy fighters flew alongside Greek F-16s and F-4Es.
This Tuesday, NATO Joint Force Command "Naples" (NATO JFC Naples) has highlighted the "air power" of the Spanish aircraft carrier, noting that the aircraft it has on board in this exercise (the AB-212 "Gato" helicopters of the 3rd Squadron and the EAV fighters -8B+ Harrier II Plus of the 9th Squadron) "are just a small part of this ships capabilities." NATO JFC Naples has published several photos of these aircraft, specifically one of an AB-212 and two of the Spanish Harriers.
Another Alliance command has also highlighted the air power of the Spanish aircraft carrier. Yesterday, the command of the NATO Naval Attack and Support Forces (STRIKFORNATO) stated: "Juan Carlos I's fleet of venerable Harrier jump jets is taking to the skies, clearing the seas for forthcoming amphibious landings along the Mediterranean shoreline.". The STRIKFORNATO message on its Twitter account included several photos of the Spanish naval fighters.
This Wednesday, EMAD has published a video of the air and amphibious operations aboard the L-61, showing the Harrier II Plus and the AB-212 on the flight deck of the Spanish aircraft carrier and also the LCM-1E landing craft in the flood dock of that ship:
You can see more photos of this exercise here that have been published by EMAD, NATO JFC Naples and STRIKFORNATO.
Two photos of Spanish Harrier II Plus fighters on the flight deck of the L-61. In the background we see the frigate "Blas de Lezo" F-103 of the Spanish Navy, which also participates in this exercise.
Below these lines, an AB-212 "Gato" helicopter of the 3rd Squadron of the Spanish Navy, with the frigate "Blas de Lezo" in the background.
Four Harrier II Plus of the 9th Squadron of the Spanish Navy flying in formation with two F-16Ds of the Hellenic Air Force.
A Spanish Navy LCM-1E landing craft carrying three VAMTAC ST-5 tactical vehicles of the First Landing Battalion of the Tercio de Armada, the expeditionary force of the Spanish Marine Infantry.
Three Spanish LCM-1E landing craft during the amphibious operations of this exercise.
Three Harrier II Plus fighters on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier "Juan Carlos I" and a fourth plane preparing to land on the Spanish ship.
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