The modernization of its entire fleet to the B-52J version is already underway

A report that shows how a Boeing B-52 Stratofortress strategic bomber works

The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is one of the longest-serving bombers in the history of aviation.

Fighters from Spain and other allied countries escort B-52 bombers over Europe
The USAF publishes the images of the deployment of four B-52 bombers in Spain

This formidable aircraft made its first flight on April 15, 1952 and entered service in the United States Air Force in February 1955 in its first versions. A total of 744 B-52s were built, of which 72 are still active, all of them the B-52H version.

Currently, a modernization process of this bomber to the B-52J version is underway, with new Rolls Royce F130 engines, a new radar and improvements in its avionics and communication systems. All forecasts indicate that the B-52 will continue to be active when the more modern B-1B Lancer and B-2 Spirit have already been retired from service. To get to know this plane better, I encourage you to see this excellent report published a few days ago by AiTelly, which shows in detail what this strategic bomber looks like inside and how it works:

You can see here some screenshots of this excellent video, as a preview.


Fotos: U.S. Air Force.

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