Vox already warned two months ago that the PP was helping to cause a call effect

The PP calls for an immigration emergency a day after supporting massive regularization

Esp 6·15·2024 · 7:32 0

There are political parties that approach immigration policy from an absolute irresponsibility and a total distance from reality.

The great favor of all the Spanish parties except Vox to the illegal immigration mafias
The massive transfer of illegal immigrants on anti-terrorist alert 4: a real madness

In April the PP supported a massive regularization of illegal immigrants

Two months ago Spanish Congress supported a massive regularization of illegal immigrants, that is, people who have entered Spain illegally, skipping the established procedures that legal immigrants follow and respect . This new amnesty could benefit 500,000 illegal immigrants, a way to reward breaking the law. The measurement It was approved by 310 votes in favor and 33 against. Vox was the only party that voted against.

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, criticized the president of the Popular Party for supporting that measure together with all the left-wing parties: "Mr. Feijóo has just supported something much worse than regulating half a million illegals. They have supported (the entire Congress except VOX) the business of the mafias that have brought them, have amplified the call effect and will make many more come under the same conditions."

On Thursday the PP once again supported this regularization against a Vox initiative

This Thursday, Spanish Congress rejected an amendment to the entire Vox against this massive regularization. As happened two months ago, only Vox supported this amendment: all other parties, including the PP, voted against. Often, political parties adopt a position without worrying about the consequences of their actions, perhaps thinking that time will make them forget who was responsible for causing harm to society. This time it has not been like that.

A day later, the PP calls for an immigration emergency

This Friday, the government of the Community of Madrid, in the hands of the PP, asked the central government to declare the migration emergency, due to the wave of illegal minor immigrants that are arriving in that region: "The Community of Madrid has welcomed as many unaccompanied minor immigrants in this first half of the year as in the entire world. last year. There are already more than 1,100 in 2024, there have not been enough places to accommodate them in the centers that are for this purpose, and that is why more than five hundred have had to be attended to in other devices in the public network", points out Telemadrid, a channel controlled by the regional government of the PP.

Isabel Pérez Moñino, Vox deputy in the Madrid Assembly, commented on the matter this Friday: "Yesterday they approved with the left to regularize 500 thousand illegals and today they put their hands on their heads because more are coming. The fault lies with the PP, the PSOE and their call effect."

The silence of the media related to the PP about its clamp with the left

Regarding this fact, by the way, will the media related to the PP say something about the clamp between that party and the left to encourage illegal immigration? These media are always trying to convince us that Vox has a clamp with the socialists, despite the fact that the party led by Abascal is the only one that refuses to reach any agreement with the party of Pedro Sánchez and his allies on the left, but when it comes to reporting on the things that the PP votes alongside the left, they are silent, perhaps as a way to justify the generous public aid they receive from the governments controlled by that party.


Photo: Partido Popular.

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