Almost unanimous media silence on PFLP attendance at BNG rally

Is there a pact to cover up for the BNG and its terrorist allies from the PP-friendly media?

Esp 7·26·2024 · 12:43 0

The same thing happens every year around this time with the far-left separatist coalition Galician Nationalist Block (BNG)..

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Year after year, at every July 25 rally, the BNG has invited Palestinian terrorists from the PFLP, who are cheered by the Bloc's supporters. It happened again yesterday, as I pointed out here. Year after year I am reminded that the PFLP is on the European Union's list of terrorist groups. Sadly, those who do not read this blog will not hear any of this, as the media is almost completely silent on the matter. Yesterday, in addition to Counting Stars, only the left-wing media outlet mentioned the PFLP's presence at the rally, but omitted its terrorist nature.

Let us imagine for a moment what would happen if a right-wing party were to officially invite a terrorist group to its rallies year after year, and specifically an openly anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying terrorist group. Criticism would rain down, rightly, from many media outlets. However, with regard to the BNG there is absolute silence, starting with the Galician and national media related with the Popular Party, which theoretically should be the most interested in exposing the BNG's extremism to their readers.

This silence is so unanimous that sometimes I wonder if there is an agreement to say nothing, because it is not normal that a fact that is public and well-known and that can be easily verified is systematically omitted by all media.

However, the silence of the media close to the PP is not so strange if we take into account that the PP has been voting alongside the BNG for all kinds of controversial measures for years. Some will be surprised at the idea that a centre-right autonomist party would show such affinity with a far-left separatist party, but the PP has not been a centre-right party for a long time now and behaves like a centre-left party. And in Galicia, in addition, the PP has been splashing around in the puddle of nationalism for years.

A few months ago I pointed out here that the Galician media close to the PP are actively engaged in whitewashing the BNG, doing things like calling Vox "extreme right" but not calling the Bloque "extreme left". Let us also bear in mind that the presence of the BNG in different institutions that administer institutional advertising turns the Bloque into another buyer of media favors, even among media close to the PP but which have no qualms about being courted by other masters as well.

There is a reason why information about the presence of a terrorist group at a BNG rally can be read here but not elsewhere: Counting Stars does not receive subsidies nor does it ask for them. Nor does it depend on institutional advertising. Therefore, every time the BNG continues to invite these terrorists to its rally in Santiago, I will denounce it again, as I have been doing for years.

The media that remain silent in the face of such a serious event should be ashamed of keeping quiet about the presence of a terrorist group at a rally of the second most voted party in Galicia, but it is clear that in order to feel ashamed, you must first be ashamed.


Photo: Xunta de Galicia. Meeting between the then president of the Galician government Alberto Núñez Feijóo (current national president of the Popuñar Party) and the spokesperson of the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) on March 25, 2021.

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