Spanish news agency displays infamous bias since Hamas attack on Israel

The Efe agency, controlled by Pedro Sánchez, accepts Hamas's false figures

For ten months, the terrorist group Hamas has been poisoning the media with false death tolls in the war that the group itself provoked.

Seven months later the United Nations admits that Hamas publishes false death tolls
A Professor of Statistics dismantles the casualty figures in Gaza issued by Hamas

Western media support for Hamas terrorists

These figures are generally disseminated under the label of the "Gaza Ministry of Health," which is controlled by the terrorist group. The aim of these false figures is to generate a narrative to demonize Israel after suffering the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2023, an attack that was the worst massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Israel was the country attacked and Hamas seeks to present it as the aggressor for exercising its right to defend itself after an attack that, proportionally to the Israeli population, was more lethal than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States.

Hamas has been relying on the help of Western media to sell its story. Many outlets have been publishing their false death tolls without any verification, ignoring the fact that the source is a terrorist group and that Hamas has repeatedly lied, spreading hoaxes in which it even accused Israel of damage caused by rockets fired by Palestinian terrorists.

Efe spreads false Hamas figures on Twitter without indicating the source

One of the media outlets that has been spreading Hamas’s false figures for ten months is the Spanish agency Efe, owned by the state and controlled by the socialist government of Pedro Sánchez, a government that has openly displayed its hostility towards Israel and that has aligned itself with Hamas’s allies.

This Thursday, on its Twitter account, Efe published this headline: "Palestinian deaths in Gaza exceed 40,000 in just over ten months of war". The Spanish agency added another message in the same thread, but does not indicate that the source of these figures is Hamas. This information appears in the text of the news only once you have accessed its website. Efe does not indicate the source in its Twitter message because the information would lose all credibility.

Efe omits that the UN disqualified Hamas' figures in May

In the text of the news, Efe offers the unverified figures of Hamas without indicating that in May the UN recognized that this terrorist group provides false death figures. Figures that the UN itself has been repeating for months without subjecting them to any verification or contrast. This is what the Efe agency continues to do today.

Efe's very different way of talking about dead Israelis and Palestinians

The Spanish government agency has been acting in an infamous manner in this war. On the same day of the Hamas attack on Israel, Efe first published the figures for Palestinian deaths released by Hamas and then the figures for Israeli deaths. Efe ended up changing the headline of that day to another headline that spoke of "a tough war between Israel and Gaza with more than 430 dead", without indicating that Hamas was the cause of the hostilities.

Efe also has a very different way of reporting the deaths in this war. While talking about Palestinians who "have died in the Israeli offensive in Gaza", accompanying the false figures spread by Hamas, the Spanish agency publishes headlines as infamous as this one: "Hallan 260 cuerpos en el desierto donde celebraban un festival que asalto Hamas". In this case, there is no mention of "dead" but of "bodies," nor is it said that they were Israelis (most of them, since there were also people of other nationalities). Thus, while Efe amplifies Hamas propaganda, it contributes to diluting its crimes.

Spanish agency calls Hamas terrorists 'militiamen'

Likewise, while Efe publishes news dedicated exclusively to the false death figures spread by Hamas, figures that are published on the same day they are spread by that terrorist group, the Spanish agency did not publish a story on Israel's death figures until four days after the Hamas attack. But unlike what it does with the terrorist group's figures, Efe also took advantage of this news to sneak in the false death figures spread by Hamas, in addition to speaking of "1,500 militants killed in Israeli territory in clashes with security forces after infiltrating from the Strip", a twisted way of talking about dead terrorists who participated in Hamas's savage attack.

The militant hatred of leftist journalism against Israel

What Efe is doing is unworthy of a serious news agency, but it is yet another example of the militant and biased attitude of leftist journalism, which openly displays its hatred of Israel and uses manipulations such as those we have just reviewed to demonize the Jewish State, while accepting the figures published by an Islamist criminal gang. Let us remember that Efe is one of the numerous public institutions that have been colonized by the socialists in Spain, in order to put them at the service of their party. A common practice since Pedro Sánchez came to power in 2018.


Photo: AFP. Hamas terrorists marching through the city of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.

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