I have been publishing this blog for 20 years and I have dedicated much of its content to remembering the crimes of totalitarian regimes.
I have devoted many articles in particular to communist crimes. The crimes of nazism are well known and many films have been made about them (it is the only way many people today have of remembering history), but cinematography about the crimes of communism is scarce in proportion to the more than 100 million dead that this totalitarian movement has left.
Every time I write an article about the crimes of totalitarians, it is not only to remember their victims, but to prevent history from repeating itself. Unfortunately, after the horror of the Holocaust and after the horror of the communist genocides, today we are witnessing the reappearance of anti-Semitism in the West and the resurgence of communism, the two monsters that caused the most deaths in the last century. In the face of something like this, I refuse to be indifferent.
Yesterday I sounded the alarm about a Stalinist group that is infiltrating the right using hispanic-ness as a hook. As you could see in my article yesterday, this group praises Stalin and the communist dictatorships of North Korea and Cuba. That is, a group that praises a bloodthirsty dictator whose regime murdered millions of people and dictatorships that today turn entire countries into huge prisons. There are people who defend doing things with a group like that. That is, with a group that praises regimes in which those who disagree with the power are sent to prison or executed.
I was not at all surprised to see that after my post on Twitter sharing that entry I started receiving insults from anti-Semites and messages from admirers of Stalin and Hitler. Once again, nazis and communists united, just like in the invasion of Poland in 1939. In an article I published here in September I pointed out that they are the same scum. Now they even defend each other.
The funniest thing is that the leader of that Stalinist group called me a "coward" for blocking him on Twitter. How can someone who praises a dictator whose regime finished off dissenters by shooting them in the back of the head complain about being blocked on Twitter? Does it seem more painful to be blocked by another Twitter user than to be sent to the Gulag or to a wall before a firing squad for not sharing an opinion like Stalin?
That communist leader has also said about me that "these types of individuals are solvents and very useful to those responsible for the management of the DANA." Surely he does not read this blog much. Here I have criticized and will continue to criticize what the PSOE and the PP have been doing from the national government and the autonomous governments. I do not accept opposition lessons from a government of those who praise dictators who put an end to all opposition through the most brutal repression. You have to have colossal cynicism to defend dictatorships like those mentioned and then call a demonstration against the "regime of 78", as this Stalinist group does. Our democracy has many defects, but it is a thousand times better than what they have in Cuba or in North Korea.
As for the rest, I make it a rule to block all totalitarians on Twitter, whether they are nazis, communists or fascists. I have nothing to argue with them, and generally I only receive insults from such people for the mere fact of defending democracy, supporting the State of Israel and supporting Ukraine. I have nothing to argue with those who defend regimes where criticizing the power is considered a crime, a crime that is punishable by the most severe penalties, including death. In the dictatorships that totalitarians admire, I would be in a Gulag, in Laogai (its Chinese version) or in any other concentration camp, or I would simply be underground with a bullet in my skull.
I can debate anything I need to with those who accept democratic rules, with those who defend a political system in which freedom of speech exists, with those who believe that having certain political ideas does not give them the right to liquidate those who have a different opinion. With those who defend mass criminals like Stalin, with those who defend murderous regimes like those of Cuba and North Korea, with those who admire a murderous monster like Hitler... I have nothing to discuss with them. Absolutely nothing. I wouldn't join them even to collect an inheritance.
The only thing I feel like doing with people like that is using my only weapon, which is the word, to denounce the things they defend, to remember what the tyrants they admire did, and to try to prevent that dark part of history from repeating itself. Because let's not fool ourselves: those who defend Hitler and Stalin, just like those who defend criminals like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un or Xi Jinping today, not only whitewash those tyrants, but they send us the message that what they did was right. From that to repeating history there is only one step, which may be faster than some imagine.
Image: frame from the Polish film "Katyn" (2007).
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