A wise Spanish proverb says that there is no worse blind person than the one who does not want to see. It is a good summary of what is happening to part of the right.
His alliance with communist and Islamist dictatorships
Every time some influential person on the right criticizes Putin, messages along the same lines start to appear: "Putin is not the enemy," say some conservatives, perhaps in the absurd belief that the Russian dictator is ideologically similar to them. Again and again, there are people on the right who insist on ignoring Putin's alliance with communist dictatorships such as China, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea, a brutal regime that occupies the number one position on the list of countries that persecute Christians the most.
Nor should we forget Putin's alliance with the Islamist dictatorship of Iran, a regime that supports jihadist terrorism (Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis) outside its borders and which occupies 9th place on the list of countries that persecute Christians the most.
Let us also remember that one of Putin’s most faithful allies is the Chechen Islamist Ramzan Kadyrov. In August, during a visit to Chechnya and in the company of Kadyrov, Putin kissed a copy of the Koran. What would the right-wing Putinists have said about any European leader who had done something like that?
The Putin regime's defense of communism
On the other hand, in 2014 Putin promoted his own "historical memory" law, which, under the pretext of prohibiting the denial of Nazi crimes, is dedicated to prohibiting criticism of communist crimes. In 2016, the law was used to fine blogger Vladimir Luzgin for recalling Hitler and Stalin's joint invasion of Poland: "Communists and Germany jointly invaded Poland, which triggered World War II. In other words, Communism and Nazism collaborated closely," Luzgin had said, stating something that is an incontestable historical fact.
Also in 2014, the Putin regime unleashed a persecution against an NGO called Memorial, which investigated communist crimes. Ultimately, that NGO was outlawed in 2021.
In 2017 Putin declared that the demonization of Stalin is "a way of attacking the Soviet Union and Russia", identifying his country with that bloodthirsty dictator who perpetrated crimes of genocide.
In 2019 Putin sharply criticised the European Parliament's condemnation of communism's crimes, stating that it was "the height of cynicism". In response, in 2021 Putin signed a law banning the equating of Nazism with Communism, a law that also affects potential equations between Hitler and Stalin. That same year, Putin's regime described the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland, ordered by Stalin, as a "liberation campaign."
The invasion of Ukraine and the installation of Lenin statues by the Russians
To all of the above we must add the criminal invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022, which is an exhibition of bullying by Putin's dictatorship against a neighboring country for the mere fact of not wanting to submit to the whims of the Kremlin. An invasion in which Russia is committing all kinds of war crimes and crimes against humanity. It is also an invasion that reveals the Soviet nostalgia of the Putin regime, which is installing statues of the communist dictator Lenin and raising communist flags in Ukrainian cities occupied by the Russians.
Kremlin's support for far-left parties in the West
Si el apoyo de cualquier conservador al régimen de Putin es algo absurdo, que ese apoyo venga de Occidente es más absurdo aún. Como ya denuncié aquí hace cuatro años, los medios de propaganda del Kremlin ha estado apoyando a partidos de extrema izquierda en varios países de Europa, en un intento de desestabilizar a sus enemigos. Esos partidos vienen promoviendo agendas ideológicas de ultraizquierda en países como Alemania, España, Francia, Grecia e Italia.
Russia's support for Catalan separatism and the anti-Spanish black legend
But if being conservative in a Western country and supporting Putin is absurd, supporting him from Spain is even more absurd. Putin's regime has supported separatism in Catalonia and its propaganda media have been promoting the anti-Spanish black legend.
The pro-abortion law promoted by Putin's party
All these facts have been ignored by many right-wing Putinists for years. About Putin, they only hear what they want to hear, a false image that presents him as a conservative reference, ignoring everything we have just reviewed and also facts such as the pro-abortion law promoted by Putin's party in 2011, a law very similar to the one promoted by the socialists in Spain a year earlier, since like this one, it considers the act of killing unborn children as a "right". As I explained here a few months ago, the abortion rate in Russia is almost double that of Spain.
Since all this seems to be of no concern to some conservatives, I wonder what else some need to open their eyes to this criminal tyrant: perhaps for him to appear on television hugging Lenin's mummy and singing "The Internationale" while ordering the murder of ten Christians? Russia has already attacked dozens of churches in Ukraine and some of those supposed Christians and conservatives who support Putin have not cared at all about that.
Photo: TASS.
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