The United Kingdom is experiencing a political earthquake over the cover-up of rapes committed by Muslims against girls.
The cover-up of abuse of girls by Muslims in the UK
As I have pointed out several times on these pages, in 2014 it was discovered that 1,400 girls were sexually abused over a period of 16 years in Rotherham, in the north of England without the authorities doing anything, for fear of being labelled racist, as the aggressors were Muslim immigrants, mostly of Pakistani origin. Subsequent investigations raised the number of victims to more than 1,500 and discovered similar cases in Oxford and in Rochdale, in Telford, in this case with more than 1,000 victims.
Keir Starmer was head of the Crown Prosecution Service when these events occurred
This scandal has been revived in that country because between 2008 and 2013, when many of these rape cover-ups occurred, the head of the Crown Prosecution Service was Keir Starmer, the current British Prime Minister, from the Labour Party, an organisation affiliated with the Party of European Socialists. As I explained here in August 2014, the Labour Party is the preferred choice of many Muslims living in that country, which explains Starmer's lukewarm response to the frequent demonstrations and riots organised by Islamists in the United Kingdom. Does that also explain why the prosecution did not take action against these sex offenders? This is the question that many Britons are now asking themselves and the reason for the current scandal.
Elon Musk says Starmer “must face charges for his complicity”
On Friday, Elon Musk claimed: "Starmer was complicit in the RAPE OF BRITAIN when he was head of Crown Prosecution for 6 years. Starmer must go and he must face charges for his complicity in the worst mass crime in the history of Britain." The post has already been shared by over 48,000 people and has been viewed over 54 million times, helping to bring the issue to the attention of the world.
The Labour Party blocks an investigation into these events
On Thursday, the British newspaper The Telegraph reported that the Labour Party is blocking the investigation into Starmer's conduct as Director of Public Prosecutions. In this case, the current prime minister's behaviour concerns cases of abuse that occurred in Oldham. The Telegraph notes the following:
"A 2022 report found children in Oldham were failed by agencies that were meant to protect them amid alleged grooming by “predominantly Pakistani offenders” in council homes and shisha bars, and by taxi drivers.
Sir Keir admitted that the CPS had let vulnerable girls down under his watch, after a case was dropped against a rape suspect in 2009 despite all evidence pointing to their guilt.
Speaking in 2012, near the end of his five-year tenure as DPP, he admitted that the ethnicity of suspects had been an issue in securing prosecutions of grooming gangs."
The role of the Labour Party in covering up these abuses
On Thursday, The Telegraph also reported that a former Labour MP for Rochdale, Simon Danczuk, has alleged that a party leader threatened him to keep him from revealing the ethnicity of the attackers in order not to lose votes: "This Labour Party is a disgrace, more interested in protecting their votes than protecting the most vulnerable. Same across the Bradford district," Danczuk said.
Yesterday, The Telegraph published a lengthy account outlining how the crimes were covered up and outlining the role the Labour Party played in the cover-up:
"When the first convictions in Rochdale were handed down in 2012, the police and Crown Prosecution Service apologised for failing to follow up on appeals for help. As former Labour MP for Keighley Ann Cryer put it, the authorities “were petrified of being called racist and so reverted to the default of political correctness”. As a result, despite a child telling the police she had been raped, and providing DNA evidence, no prosecution was brought."
Leftist media headlines to cover up what happened
Many media outlets have been silencing these scandals or manipulating headlines to make them look like a problem of sexism. For example, in 2014 the Spanish socialist newspaper El País headlined: "More than 1,400 girls suffered abuse in an English city". The reason for the scandal was not only the abuse, but also its cover-up and the reasons for it. To discover the crux of the matter, one had to go to the sixth and penultimate paragraph of the news: "One of the factors that has been very important in not stopping the abuse is the fear of being labeled as racist." El País did not consider this information relevant enough to include in the headline. The progressive American newspaper The New York Times did something similar, hiding the key to the issue in the fifth paragraph of its article.
El País and The New York Times focus on Musk and not on Starmer
However, now El País and The New York Times are covering the Starmer scandal but focusing on Elon Musk, as if the news was not the cover-up of thousands of cases of sexual abuse of girls by Muslims, but that Musk is denouncing it. Coincidentally, both leftist media outlets agree in accusing Musk of an "obsession" with the United Kingdom, an accusation that El País explains thus: "the tycoon has publicly professed his love for the country, and for historical figures such as Margaret Thatcher". Is this an "obsession"?
Multiculturalism above women and girls
This issue serves to give us an idea of how the left defends women. For some time now I have been denouncing that the political and media left has a clear order of priorities when it comes to defending certain groups: Muslim immigration always takes precedence over women, despite the fact that socialists boast of being "feminists". There is the example of the rapes of women in Germany by Muslim immigrants, silenced by the social democrats, or the packs of Maghrebi rapists in Spain about which the socialists and communists remain absolutely silent.
In 2016, I already wrote about a similar case here: tolerance towards child marriages by Muslims in Germany, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden, where the authorities have shown astonishing tolerance towards marriages (often forced) between adult men and girls who in some cases are not even teenagers, marriages that serve to cover up systematic rapes of girls.
When it comes to setting priorities, the Western left puts its dogmas on multiculturalism and Muslim immigration above women and girls, and systematically accuses anyone who protests of being "racist", "xenophobic" and "far right". Then they wonder why the left is losing more and more votes while the right, which is opposed to the progressive consensus, is gaining more and more support.
Photo: AP.
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