This week begins with good news: Justin Trudeau's resignation as Prime Minister of Canada and leader of his party.
Trudeau will remain in office until his party chooses his successor
For now, his resignation does not mean that his party will leave power. Trudeau has announced that he will remain prime minister until his party elects a new leader. There will be a federal election in Canada on October 20, 2025, so Trudeau's replacement only has a few months to change polls that point to a resounding victory for the Conservative Party.
Trudeau has an approval rating of just 22%
With his approval ratings ever-declining (hit its lowest point at 22% on December 24) and following the recent resignation of his deputy prime minister and finance minister, Chrystia Freeland, Trudeau's resignation had been expected for weeks. The imminent arrival of Donald Trump to the White House has ended up causing a change of cycle in the northern neighbor of the United States, with Canada plunged into an economic crisis with inflation soaring since 2021.
A way of governing worthy of a radical socialist
Despite his political party being called the "Liberal Party", Trudeau has acted like a radical socialist, with tax-raising policies that have been weighing down the Canadian economy in recent years. But if his economic recipes have been disastrous, the worst thing about Trudeau has been his disastrous ideological agenda, in line with the progressive western left. An agenda that has been turning Canada into something like a dictatorship of leftist fanaticism.
A pro-abortion activist who has actively promoted prenatal murder
Paradoxically, Justin Trudeau declares himself to be Catholic, but like Joea Biden, he has acted as a radical pro-abortion activist, calling the murder of unborn children a "human right" and committing hundreds of millions of dollars to promoting this crime around the world, attempting to counter the pro-life policies developed by Donald Trump during his first term as President of the United States.
His support for a hoax that unleashed a brutal wave of anti-Christian hatred
One of the most damaging aspects of the current prime minister's policy was his support for an anti-Christian hoax that sparked arson attacks on dozens of Catholic schools and churches of various Christian denominations in Canada. The hoax claimed the discovery in 2021 of a mass grave of more than 200 Indigenous children at a residential school in British Columbia. Trudeau used the hoax to promote his leftist agenda. Four years later, no bodies have been found at the sites where the graves were said to be. It was the biggest hoax in Canadian history and served to unleash a wave of anti-Christian hatred, and Trudeau has never apologized for spreading that lie.
His attacks on religious freedom and ideological freedom
Like other Western socialist governments, Trudeau imposed on Canadian companies the obligation to defend abortion and the theses of the LGBT lobby in order to receive public aid, a coercive requirement worthy of a dictatorship and which received harsh criticism from politicians, the media and religious leaders in that country, as it is a measure radically harmful to religious freedom and ideological freedom. The policy of his party, which would well deserve to be renamed the Marxist-Leninist Party, included threats to remove custody from parents who oppose the theses of the LGBT lobby in Ontario. A way of governing typical of totalitarians.
His irresponsible immigration policy
On the other hand, Trudeau has pursued an irresponsible immigration policy that has contributed considerably to accentuating his unpopularity, especially with data such as the massive arrival of Syrian refugees (tens of thousands between 2015 and 2016, in a country with some 40 million inhabitants), 50% of whom were still living on public assistance five years after being admitted to the country.
Canada will see its population grow by 3.2% between 2023 and 2024, the largest annual increase since 1957, reaching 41 million inhabitants due to the massive arrival of foreigners. Finally, in November, Trudeau acknowledged "mistakes" in that policy, an insufficient statement that, far from calming things down, provoked even more outrage, since Trudeau has been calling those who criticized his irresponsible immigration policy "racists" for years.
A minority government after losing the elections, just like Sánchez in Spain
Now, with Trudeau's resignation, the end of this woke nightmare in Canada is approaching. Repairing the damage that the current prime minister has done to his country will take years and will depend on the determination of the next government, if the Conservatives finally win this year's elections. Let us remember that the Conservative Party already won the 2021 federal elections, but it did so by relative majority. Trudeau, like the socialist Pedro Sánchez in Spain, governs in a minority thanks to the support of his left-wing partners. Hopefully his fall will also be a preview of Sánchez's fall.
Photo: AFP.
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