The Kremlin and the European Commission are degrading our democracies

Europe is suffering a simultaneous attack on democracy from Moscow and Brussels

Esp 1·11·2025 · 7:00 0

I have been denouncing Vladimir Putin's crimes for 16 years, since the Russian invasion of Georgia, and I never thought I would see what is happening.

Romania's Constitutional Court does Putin a big favor by annulling an election
Hungary and Poland yes, Spain no: the reasons for the leftist bias of the European Commission

Kremlin's support for the anti-democratic left in the West

Putin's dictatorship has been supporting all kinds of attempts to destabilise Western democracies for years. Five years ago, I denounced here the Kremlin's support for far-left parties in several European countries. In that article, I pointed out that this was a geopolitical strategy to weaken Western countries, a strategy that includes undermining the foundations of liberal democracy in Europe. In fact, it is no coincidence that almost all far-left pro-Russian parties are also those that support the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela.

Former police commissioner threatens to cancel German elections if right-wing wins

Moscow was already a threat to democracy during the Soviet dictatorship and is now one again under Putin. But it is not the only threat. In August 2024, I denounced here the actions of Ursula von der Leyen's European Commission to impose openly illegal censorship on social media, a censorship promoted behind the citizens' backs, by pressuring companies like Twitter and violating the fundamental rights of European citizens.

This week, referring to Elon Musk’s support for a right-wing German party, former European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who was responsible for the pressure on Twitter last summer, hinted that the European Union was behind the annulment of the presidential elections in Romania, a decision taken in December by the Constitutional Court of that country days after it took a diametrically opposite decision. Breton said: "It has been done in Romania and it will be done. Obviously, if necessary, it must be done in Germany."

The great favor to Putin from the Constitutional Court of Romania

Hace un mes ya expliqué aquí que la anulación de las elecciones rumanas fue un gran favor a Putin, pues es una decisión que quiebra la confianza en las instituciones democráticas, transmitiendo a los ciudadanos de ese país la aberrante idea de que unas elecciones pueden ser anuladas si el resultado no es del agrado de algunos partidos políticos que, casualmente, designaron a los miembros del actual Tribunal Constitucional rumano, tan politizado como su homólogo español.

After the scandal caused by this decision in Romania, seeing a former European Commissioner threatening to repeat this in Germany is outrageous, a clear attempt to threaten German voters to vote as the European Commission wants under the threat that, if they do not do so, the elections would be annulled.

The precedent of Von der Leyen's threat to Italian voters

Furthermore, this is an intolerable interference in German democracy by the same politician who accuses Musk of interfering in the politics of that country simply by giving his support to a party, something that almost all parties in Europe do with parties from other countries every time there are elections. And it is not the first time this has happened.

In 2022, Von der Leyen already threatened Italians with reprisals in the face of polls that gave victory to Giorgia Meloni's party, Fratelli d'Italia, and she did so by expressly citing the precedents of Hungary and Poland, two countries against which the European Commission unleashed a persecution for reasons ideological, as evidenced by the fact that Von der Leyen has not lifted a finger against the attacks of the socialist Pedro Sánchez on the rule of law in Spain.

The Kremlin and the European Commission are degrading our democracies

With actions like those of Von der Leyen and Breton, the top of the European Union is doing Putin a great favor by fueling the discredit of democracy in Europe, to the benefit of two seemingly opposing forces but which in the end are acting in the same direction: on the one hand, a bureaucratic elite that is degrading our democracy, turning the European Union into a mega-state that is increasingly aggressive for our freedoms and for the national sovereignty of the member countries, and on the other hand a mafia regime, installed in Moscow, which has many supporters supporting dictatorships like Venezuela and thus marking the path to be followed by democracy in the West.

Von der Leyen and Putin's allies govern together in Spain

I say that they are apparently opposing forces because, for example, in Spain both forces are part of the coalition government formed by socialists and communists and supported by various separatist and far-left parties, which are helping Pedro Sánchez to demolish our democracy. This is not the first time that this supposedly strange alliance has occurred in history: it already happened in 1939 with Nazi Germany and the USSR, joining forces and agreeing to invade five democratic countries (Poland, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) and to threaten free Europe.

A double threat that we must face simultaneously

Today, Moscow remains the eastern front of this attack on democracy, and Brussels takes the place of Berlin. Although the totalitarian regimes of 1939 have disappeared, it is alarming to see that 85 years later Europe is once again subject to a double threat to democracy. Faced with this, some take sides with Brussels or Moscow, approving the abuses of one or the other (as if denouncing them simultaneously were impossible) and focusing on one part of the problem but not on the other, in the absurd belief that a dictator like Putin is a legitimate alternative to the abuses of Brussels, and in the equally absurd belief that the abuses of Brussels are acceptable or tolerable because the only bad guy we have to focus on here is Putin. If we want democracy to survive in Europe, we must simultaneously confront both threats.



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