Each missile was 22.9 meters tall and was housed in an underground silo

Imitating 'Cirque du Soleil' inside an abandoned nuclear missile silo

I always like to brag about having weird tastes and hobbies (it shows a lot on this blog, doesn't it?), but I often find people who surpass me.

Inside the ruins of a colossal launch complex of Titan I nuclear missiles
Visiting the last silo of a Titan II nuclear missile where you can still see this ICBM

Today Nuclear Bunker Living posted an example of extremely rare hobbyism in a video that shows tightrope walkers slacklining (a practice similar to tightrope walking, but using a cloth rope instead of a metal cable) inside an abandoned nuclear missile silo Titan 1, in the United States. To say that the images are spectacular would be an understatement:

As usual, here are a few screenshots from the video (not suitable for people who suffer from vertigo) as a preview.

As I already told you here,the HGM-25A Titan I intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), armed with nuclear warheads, were deployed in 1960 at five launch centers at Larson air bases A.F.B., Wash.; Mountain Home AFB, Idaho; Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota; Beale AFB, Calif.; and Lowry AFB, Colo. The video does not indicate which of these centers we are looking at.

Titan 1 missiles quickly became obsolete and were withdrawn from service in early 1965, leaving many of the silos abandoned.

Each of the Titan I launch complexes consisted of three silos, each with its corresponding missiles. Each missile was 22.9 meters tall, so I needed a pretty big silo... Hey guys, are you guys paying attention to my history lesson or the girl?

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