A complimentary publication in one of the leading Polish media

Dziękuję, Polsko! Nice article by the Polish media Do Rzeczy about Counting Stars

This afternoon, the Polish weekly Do Rzeczy published a beautiful article by Małgorzata Wołczyk on Counting Stars, which leaves me speechless.

Polish Catholics: the great forgotten when talking about the victims of the Holocaust
Pilecki: The man who unveiled the Holocaust and ended up executed by the communists

The original article, in Polish, can be read by clicking here. If you don't speak Polish, as is my case, you can see an automatic translation into English by clicking here. I was wondering whether to put the translation here, but the article is so complimentary that I am a bit ashamed to publish it here… I thank Małgorzata and Do Rzeczy for publishing that article, it has moved me.

I do want to respond to something that Małgorzata points out in the article: the alleged ingratitude of the Poles towards the articles that I dedicate to their homeland in this blog. I could complain about other people or groups that I have defended and who have not even thanked me, but I cannot complain about Poland. So far, Counting Stars is having more diffusion in the Polish media than in the Spanish media, and in a very positive way. Likewise, through social media and by email I have received many messages of thanks from Poles, in affectionate terms that always excite me. Just today, following the publication of that article in Do Rzeczy, I have received several dozen messages of thanks from Polish citizens, which I will answer one by one.

Furthermore, I have to say that I neither expect nor deserve such thanks from the Poles. I limit myself to covering, as I can, my part of the debt that the rest of Europe owes to Poland, for having fought for Freedom against the two great totalitarianisms of the 20th century, Nazism and Communism, often from the most absolute loneliness. I feel indebted to heroes like Witold Pilecki and to the victims of the Holocaust, a genocide whose main victim was the Polish Nation. I am indebted to the Polish resistance and to the "Cursed Soldiers", about whom a few Hollywood films should have been made by now, but who are hardly known outside of Poland.

I feel indebted to a country that has given Catholic such great Catholic saints as Maria Faustina Kowalska, Maximilian Kolbe and John Paul II, martyrs like priests Ignacy Skorupka and Jerzy Popiełuszko and kings like Jan III Sobieski, who saved Europe from a Muslim invasion with his victory at the Battle of Kahlenberg in 1683 at the head of his famous winged hussars. I also feel indebted to Poland for having welcomed part of the Sephardim, the Spaniards who were expelled from their own Homeland for being Jews - one of the saddest and most shameful events in our history - and who, among other places, settled in the Polish region of Galicia, which shares a name with my Spanish homeland.

I am also grateful in Poland for being today one of the strongest centers of resistance to progressive single thought and the culture of death. Today Poland is a bastion in defense of Christian life and values, and for this it deserves a loud applause. That is why I have titled this post with a "Dziękuję, Polsko!" (Thank you, Poland!), Because that great Nation owes me nothing, and the rest of Europeans owe them a lot. For my part, I will continue trying to pay off that debt, even if it is to the limited extent of my ability.

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  1. Darek

    Bardzo dziękuję za bardzo miłe słowa o mojej Ojczyżnie ,Walczymy od wieków o naszą wolność , przekleństwem naszym jest że Polska leży pomiędzy niemcami a rosją.Oni od zawsze nas nienawidzą. Jest mi przykro że w naszym kraju mamy kolaborantów i nie wiem co będzie dalej . Jeśli Europa nie zmieni swego podejścia do Polski to mam niestety przeczucie że polegniemy.

    Jeszcze raz dziękuję za wszystko co Pan robi.


  2. Magdalena

    All the best for promoting these thruths!

  3. Adamski

    Thank you for your great work! The truth has to win always is. Best wishes to you and your family, good luck!

  4. ed

    Thank you and good luck!

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