The serious crisis caused by Belarus with its migratory attack on the Polish border has already resulted in one death, as reported by the Polish Army.
A Polish soldier is killed by an accidental gunshot
The news was communicated this Saturday through a statement from the Commander of the 17th Mechanized Brigade of Greater Poland, published on the unit's Twitter account and on its website. The statement reads the following:
"On November 13, an unfortunate event occurred in the area of the implementation of activities within the Polish-Belarusian border, as a result of which a soldier of the 17th Mechanized Brigade was killed.
The investigation is carried out by the Military Police with the participation of the Prosecutor's Office from Białystok. According to preliminary findings, a service weapon was fired, which resulted in the death of the soldier, and no third parties were involved in the event.
The soldier served as a reserve, i.e. he did not perform tasks directly at the Polish-Belarusian border. He was delegated to serve at the border a little over a week ago. From the moment of his secondment, he had no contact with the migrants.
The soldier's family was notified and looked after by a psychologist."
Desde aquí quiero transmitir mi pésame a la familia de este soldado.From here I want to convey my condolences to the family of this soldier. Cześć jego pamięci! Spoczywaj w pokoju. Honor to his memory! Rest in peace.
A Polish policeman is hospitalized after receiving a stone to the head
On the other hand, this noon, through the Twitter account of its Białystok Provincial Headquarters, the Polish Police reported that one of its agents was injured by a stone to the head and had to be hospitalized. The Facebook page of that headquarters that this Saturday, after 8:00 p.m., "in the vicinity of Kolonia Klukowicze, policemen were attacked during an attempt to cross the border by force. A thrown stone struck an officer's helmet. The force of the impact was so great that the helmet protecting the policeman's head was damaged. Fortunately, the officer was not seriously injured."
The national Twitter account of the Polish Police published this morning four photos of the damage caused by the stones thrown from the Belarusian side of the border in the case of the wounded policeman and a police vehicle:
Dzisiejszej nocy niestety odnotowaliśmy kilka agresywnych zachowań. Ze strony Białorusi w kierunku policjantów poleciały kamienie, którymi m. in. trafiono policjanta oraz uszkodzono radiowóz. Policjant na szczęście miał na głowie hełm, który go ochronił. #NaStrażyGranicy
— Polska Policja 🇵🇱 (@PolskaPolicja) November 14, 2021
The tweet reads as follows: "Unfortunately, we recorded some aggressive behavior tonight. Stones flew from Belarus towards the policemen. a policeman was hit and a police car was damaged. Luckily, the policeman had a helmet on his head to protect him."
Polonia denuncia que funcionarios bielorrusos lanzaron pedradas a soldados polacos
On the other hand, this morning the Polish Ministry of Defense published this message accusing Belarusian officials of throwing stones at Polish soldiers on two occasions this Saturday:
Wczoraj doszło do kolejnych prowokacji Białorusinów. W okolicach Szudziałowa funkcjonariusze białoruskich służb dwukrotnie obrzucili polskich żołnierzy kamieniami. W wyniku incydentu nikt nie ucierpiał.
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱 (@MON_GOV_PL) November 14, 2021
The message says the following: "Yesterday there were more provocations of Belarusians. In the vicinity of Szudziałów, officers of the Belarusian services threw stones at the Polish soldiers twice. No one was hurt as a result of the incident."
On the other hand, this morning the Polish Border Guard published a message stating the following: "After a "quiet" night in the vicinity of the camp in Kuźnica, we are currently observing that more groups of armed officers of Belarusian services are located in this place. We are noticing a commotion among migrants. There was also a TV broadcast van."
Main photo: Polska Policja.
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