A footage of the Aquino Tank Weekend 2022 held in Ontario, Canada

A reenactment of the Gulf War with vehicles still used in combat in Ukraine

Military reenactments of World War II are very common, but not many of the Gulf War have been seen so far.

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This war broke out after the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq in August 1990, during the regime of Saddam Hussein. A coalition of countries led by the United States was formed that ended up expelling Iraq from Kuwait. In this war there were some tank battles in the middle of the desert, which ended in defeats for the less technologically advanced Iraqi Army.

On June 4 and 5, the Aquino Tank Weekend 2022 was held in Canada. It is the largest military event held in that country, organized by The Ontario Regiment RCAC Museum, which still has functional vehicles that were used in that war. Curiously, among these vehicles are some that are still used today in the fighting of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, such as the M-113 armored transport and the Humvee all-terrain vehicle, both American, or the Soviet BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle, which Russia and Ukraine continue to use.

In this Tank Archives video you can see images of that recreation, in which a Soviet T-54 tank and an American M-60A3 tank were also used, among other vehicles:

That three decades later military vehicles from the Cold War are still in use is a good indicator of the usefulness of those vehicles today, despite being obsolete. In any case, it is curious that the same type of vehicles used in Canada to carry out a military reenactment are being used thousands of kilometers away in a real war.

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