These veteran Soviet fighters equip two squadrons in Poland

The MiG-29 of the Polish Air Force: a video that shows us what its pilots experience

On August 15 is celebrated the Day of the Polish Army, the name by which the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland are generically known.

The 1,000 tanks and other modern weapons that Poland has bought to defend itself against Russia
The decisions that Polish RAF pilots had to make during an aerial combat

This day is a good opportunity to get to know the Polish Air Force, which defends not only the airspace of its Homeland, but also the eastern border of NATO, now threatened with the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine. A month ago, Mirosław Gawroński published a video that is a true visual poem about the Polish MiG-29. Poland still has 23 of these already veteran fighters of Soviet origin. They are in the final stretch of their active life, and these images show us the experiences of their pilots:

The Polish MiG-29 are part of the 1st Tactical Aviation Wing, and within this unit they form two squadrons: the 1st Aviation Squadron based in Mińsk Mazowiecki, in eastern Poland, and the 41st Aviation Squadron based in Malbork, in the north of the country. Hopefully these fighters never have to go to war. But if they do, I hope they'll be right up there with the Polish 303 Squadron RAF, which was the most successful Allied unit in the Battle of Britain.

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