It is one of the replicas built in the USA of this German WWII fighter

The flight of the famous Messerschmitt Me-262 Schwalbe jet at an airshow in Austria

Esp 9·25·2022 · 20:26 0

Of the few models of jet aircraft built in World War II, without a doubt the most famous of all was the Messerschmitt Me-262 Schwalbe.

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Of this jet aircraft around 1,400 units were built (it continued to be manufactured in Cheoslovakia after the war). Germany did not have enough for the plane to be decisive, and although its performance was superior to that of the best propeller fighters of the time, it was not as unbeatable as some imagined: around A hundred Me-262s were shot down by Allied pilots.

At present there are only nine original Me-262s left, all of them in museums, and only one is working (the one in the Flying Heritage Collection, in Everett, USA, which is in the process of being restored so that it can return to fly with its original Jumo 004 engines). In addition, two Avia S-92 (the Czechoslovakian version) are preserved in a museum in the Czech Republic. However, it is still possible to see some Me-262s fly, as the American company Texas Airplane Factory has built five replicas of the Me-262 in the last 20 years, and at least three of them are in airworthy, although not with Jumo 004 engines, but with General Electric CJ610 turbojets. One of those replicas is a Me 262B-1c (the W.Nr.501244, D-IMTT), which is owned by the Messerschmitt Foundation, created in 1969 by Willy Messerschmitt, the designer of the Me- 262 and the even more famous Bf-109.

Earlier this month, the Me-262 D-IMTT participated in the Airpower 2022 festival in Zeltweg, an event organized by the Austrian Armed Forces. The fighter sported the decoration worn by the Luftwaffe Me-262 in World War II, but without the swastika on the drift (the plane is owned by a German foundation and in that country the swastika is an illegal symbol). You can see here the video published by PaddyPatrone about this exhibition:< /strong>

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