During World War II many cities were subjected to bombing in Europe. That forced the population to take refuge underground.
Air-raid shelters often used existing infrastructure, as happened in London with the subway tunnels. In many cases, sewage networks and old catacombs were used, and shelters were also built in the basements of buildings. Many of these shelters were forgotten after World War II. In the case of some cities, the level of destruction was so great that the approaches to these shelters ended up being buried by rubble, making them inaccessible.
The western German city of Essen was a frequent target of British bombers, which responded with their attacks to the fierce "Blitz" launched by the Germans against UK cities in 1940 and 1941 70% of that city was devastated, so a part of its shelters ended up in oblivion. One of those shelters was recently discovered, and a group of urban explorers decided to enter it. The YouTube channel Schlachtfeld Begehung published the video of that exploration yesterday< /strong> (the video is in German, you can activate the automatic subtitles in English in the bottom bar of the player):
You can see here some captures of the video. Access to this refuge was made through the urban sewer system.
One of the doors of the shelter. The vaulted ceiling is filled with stalactites and the shelter is flooded with water.
Above the door to the shelter is what looks like a ventilation pipe. The rest of the facility has disappeared.
An old bottle left in the shelter. Perhaps a memory of the residents of Essen who took refuge here.
An extension of the shelter, made of brick from a section roughly hewn out of the rock.
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