Fuchiños, a luxurious and hidden beach in Vigo

EspGal 5·25·2023 · 23:32 0

Vigo is a city rich in beaches. Within its municipal term there are no less than 45 sandbanks. The best known are Samil and Vao.

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In addition to these two beaches, which are the most visited by tourists, there are many smaller beaches that are used mainly by residents of each area. One of those beaches is Fuchiños, also known as Xunqueiro, Monduíña, Tendales or Mosca.

This is a hidden and little-known beach because, unlike Samil and Vao, Funchiños cannot be seen from any main street. It is located between the Canido neighborhood and the San Miguel de Oya parish, west of the Canido Maritime Club. It is surrounded by luxury villas (that's why I say it's a luxurious beach). It has an access from Arquitecto Gómez Román street, and in the part known as Menduíña, there are two other descents (with cut streets) from Arquitecto Antonio Cominges street. I leave you the location on Google Maps below these lines.

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