The demonstration had the participation of terrestrial, maritime and air means

A spectacular video about the air-naval landing of the Spanish Navy in Motril

Esp 6·08·2023 · 21:52 0

Last week, the Spanish Navy carried out a formidable amphibious demonstration in Motril on the occasion of Armed Forces Day.

The images of the Spanish Armed Forces in the impressive aeronaval parade in Motril
ACV: this is the amphibious armored vehicle in which the Spanish Marine Infantry is interested

This demonstration consisted of an air-naval landing with LCM-1E landing craft, Duarry Super Cat semi-rigid boats and the support of the 3rd Squadron (AB-212 Gato) and the 9th Squadron (Harrier II). The disembarkation was carried out by members of the Tercio de Armada, the expeditionary force of the Marine Infantry. OFAtV, a good Youtube channel that started broadcasting last year and who is publishing very good content on defense issues in Spain, has published an excellent video of this amphibious operation:

You can see here some captures of the video (they are more than 5 minutes of good deed). Here we see a rapid rope descent from a 3rd Squadron AB-212 Gato.

Here we see Marines from the Tercio de Armada with a semi-rigid boat Duarry Super Cat. Two of the soldiers carry Heckler & Koch G-36E assault rifles with AG-36 grenade launchers, while another covers them on the ground with an FN Minimi light machine gun.

A VAMTAC ST-5 with a Spike anti-tank missile launcher, just after disembarking from an LCM-1E launch.

An interesting image in which we see a VAMTAC ST-5 with an Expal EIMOS 81 mm mortar. The Spanish Navy has acquired 18 units of this type of vehicle, which are in the delivery process.

An EAV-8B+ Harrier II fighter from the 9th Squadron made a spectacular display of hovering over the beach.

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