It was built in a spectacular place that then belonged to the Kingdom of Italy

A huge bunker hidden in a forest that looks like something out of a Tolkien book

There are explorers who are lucky enough to visit truly spectacular places, such as the site we are going to see today.

Fort Santiago: the Spanish fortress that survived a brutal battle of World War II
A well preserved German bunker with a French cannon located on a British island

This Sunday, the channel Simply Adventure has published a fascinating video showing a hidden bunker in the middle of a forest. Both the fortification and the surroundings are truly spectacular. At times I have remembered the passages that J.R.R. Tolkien about the subterranean kingdom of Khazad-dûm, also known as Moria. The video is in German, but has English subtitles; you can activate them in the bottom bar of the player:

The author of the video does not give any information about the location of the bunker. He says that he met two soldiers (but does not say which army) who warned him that there are some parts of the bunker that are dangerous. Here we can see the entry:

The only clue to the origin of the bunker is this sign in Italian, indicating an ammunition depot. But despite this hint, it must be said that this bunker is neither in Italy nor in Switzerland (its construction is very reminiscent, it must be said, of the Swiss Army bunkers). It's in Slovenia, in an amazing place called Unška Koliševka, the name meaning "Collapsed Valley", because it is a mountain with a huge hole with a diameter of 150 meters and a depth of about 100 meters. The hole was formed by the collapse of an ancient cavern.

The bunker was built by the Italian Army in the years between the two world wars. At that time, the area in which Unška Koliševka is located belonged to the Kingdom of Italy. It became part of Yugoslavia after World War II, and in 1991 it became part of the territory of Slovenia. One of the most impressive parts of the bunker is this very long staircase carved into the rock. Yet another detail that seems to be taken from a Tolkien book.

Part of the bunker must have collapsed on the side that faces the huge hole in the mountain, since one of the tunnels in the bunker faces the void , precisely in the valley. The views are impressive, but this reminds us to be careful when exploring these types of sites.

Another fascinating feature of this huge bunker is the deep pits in it. Some are circular and this one is rectangular.

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