A formidable aerial exhibition in a spectacular mountain setting

The skillful demonstration of a Swiss Air Force Hornet fighter in the Glarus Alps

This weekend an air festival was held at the former military airfield of Mollis, in the middle of the Glarus Alps, in Switzerland.

The spectacular aerial display of two Swiss F/A-18 fighters in the middle of the Alps
Two of the best mountains in the world to see war planes flying at high speed

The festival held annually at the former airbase, converted into a civil airfield in 2020, has been given a new name this year: ZigAirMeet. This event mainly brings together historical aircraft, some of them from the Second World War era, although this year it also featured current combat aircraft, such as a Eurofighter German, a French Rafale, a Belgian F-16 and a Swiss Air Force demonstration F/A-18C Hornet fighter-bomber, flown by Captain Yannick "Fönsi" Zanata.

British photographer Dafydd Phillips, famous for his excellent the Welsh Mach Loop, has traveled to Switzerland and has published a video of the formidable display of the Swiss Hornet. The skillful maneuvers of the pilot are adorned, in this case, by a spectacular landscape. Turn up the volume on your speakers, because the sound is great, with the sound of jet engines bouncing off the mountains:

Here you can see some screenshots from the video, in which we see the Swiss Hornet flying with the rugged mountains of Mollis in the background.

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