An example of what an expert pilot can do with this formidable aircraft

The excellent demonstration of a Eurofighter of the Spanish Air Force in the Czech Republic

Spain has an air force with fighter planes and very capable pilots who obtain good recognition abroad.

Eurofighter vs F-35: the opinions of professional pilots on these advanced fighters
The beautiful images of two Spanish Eurofighter Typhoons flying over Estonia

On September 16 and 17, NATO Days were held at Leoš Janáček Airport in Ostrava. This is the largest air festival in the Czech Republic, which has been held annually since 2001 with the participation of other countries of the Atlantic Alliance. After five years, the Spanish Air Force participated again in this event with a Eurofighter Typhoon from the 14th Wing, based in Albacete, the 14-39 (C.16-39), piloted by Captain Gregorio 'Goyo' Serrano Arigaza.

The Eurofighter is one of the most maneuverable combat aircraft available today, a capability provided by its particular configuration with a delta wing and canard planes (the two stabilizers next to the cockpit). . This aircraft can withstand maneuvers with a gravitational load of up to 9 g, which tests the physical fitness of its crew members. In the hands of a good pilot, the Eurofighter becomes a sight for the eyes. And that is the case of Captain Serrano, who last year he received the patch for 1,000 flight hours in the Eurofighter, a badge that accredits him as an expert in this aircraft, as he demonstrated in Ostrava.

We can see that excellent display in this video by PlaneSpotterGirl (turn up the volume, the thunderous sound of the Eurofighter motorcycles is pure poetry):

A few days ago, the NATO Days Facebook page published a series of photos of the NATO Days event. event. I have been able to find these three photos of the Spanish Eurofighter:

Also, the excellent Polish photographer Hesja has published this magnificent photo of the Spanish hunting during one of the two exhibitions he did in the Czech Republic:


Main photo: Hesja.

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