Three dangerous breed dogs, out of control, attacked Alfred on the street

A hug to Caracortada and his dog Alfred, who have been victims of a brutal attack

Today's Exploring post will not be about explorations of any kind, because for two great explorers today is not just another day.

Moclín, its fortifications from the Spanish Civil War and the spectacular Gollizno route
A fascinating route through the ghost towns and beautiful landscapes of the Sierra de Baza

As you already know, Aventuras Entresierras is my favorite YouTube channel. For years I have been publishing his videos here with explorations of different parts of Spain. My friend Caracortada is the protagonist of those videos, in which his dog Alfred, a gentle and adorable animal, usually accompanies him on his adventures.

Early this afternoon, Aventuras Entresierras Facebook page has communicated the following:

"Alfred has had an accident with a pack of 3 uncontrolled pit bulls on the street (in Spain it is mandatory to wear a muzzle and, of course, be on a leash). I have also had mine trying to separate them, something difficult with these attack dogs since they lock their jaws.
The most surreal thing is the attitude of the owner, apart from his negligence with these animals, they see you covered in blood and they get out of the way without even asking if you are okay."

Scarface has published this photo of Alfred with the injuries caused by those three pitbulls:

Dogs are one of the noblest animals, along with horses. A dog in the hands of a responsible owner who knows how to train and care for it well can become a wonderful animal. Alfred is proof of this. Unfortunately, there are more and more people who buy a dog (or several) without knowing how to train it and without respecting the rules, something especially serious in the most dangerous breeds. I hear more and more about people who suffer attacks like this, about dogs whose owners are unscrupulous and don't even care about the damage caused.

I wish Scarface and Alfred a speedy recovery. I encourage Scarface to file a complaint, something like this should not go unpunished. Today the victims were them, but tomorrow it could be a little child. A big hug to both of you.

I take this opportunity to remind you all of the channels where you can follow Aventuras Entresierras:

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