The process of replacing the Spanish Navy's old auxiliary vessels has taken a new step today with an official announcement.
The Council of Ministers this Tuesday approved the acquisition of a second ship of what it already calls the "Carnota" class for the Spanish Navy. Let us remember that the multipurpose ship "Carnota" A-61 was delivered on December 4 in a ceremony held at the Arsenal de Ferrol. Currently, this ship is based at the La Graña Naval Station, located on the outskirts of the city of Ferrol.
The Council of Ministers' reference to this second vessel states the following: "This contract is part of the process of replacing the Navy's obsolete auxiliary vessels with the aim of contributing to the Joint Force in transport, general logistical support, towing and salvage tasks, which are essential for Presence, Surveillance and Deterrence Operations and for supporting Response Operations, as well as for supporting other State Administrations."
Finally, the reference of the Council of Ministers indicates the amount of this contract: 24 million euros. This is a considerably higher price than the first ship of its class. Let us remember that the "Carnota" A-61 was acquired for an amount of almost 15 million euros. This ship was bought second-hand, so possibly the difference in price is explained by the fact that the new ship is newly built.
The "Carnota" A-65 was launched as a civilian vessel under the name "Ocean Osprey" at the Zamakona Yards shipyard in Pasajes (Guipúzcoa) on August 21, 2013, being an order of the Norwegian shipping company Atlantic Offshore, with the purpose of serving as a supply ship for oil platforms in the North Sea. The "Ocean Osprey" initially sailed under the Norwegian flag with the radio call sign LAVG8, and later flew the flag of the British colony of Gibraltar with the call sign ZDSI9. The "Carnota" A-65 was adapted for military life at the Metalship & Docks shipyard in Vigo.
As we saw in December, Zamakona Yards built a second vessel identical to the "Ocean Osprey", the "Ocean Marlin", launched in February 2014, and a third, the "Ocean Falcon", launched in November 2014. Both vessels, like the "Ocean Osprey", were ordered by Atlantic Offshore.
The "Ocean Marlin" continues to sail under the Norwegian flag, while the "Ocean Falcon" sails under the British flag. The design of these ships is called Havyard HY820. At the time it was already published that the estimated cost of the "Ocean Falcon" was around 25 million euros, which would confirm that the second ship of the "Carnota" class for the Spanish Navy would be a new ship and not a second-hand one.
Photos: Armada Española.
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