Ignacio Escolar's newspaper behaves like a mere hooligan of Sánchez

'Anti-ultras law': the colossal cynicism of a media outlet close to Pedro Sánchez's Govt

Esp 1·12·2025 · 18:42 0

Sanchez's impunity law is a clear attempt by the socialists to cover up corruption scandals that are in the courts.

Sánchez's impunity law attack on the media: it prejudges that everyone is lying
Pedro Sánchez imitates Chávez and Maduro with his impunity law: the warning of the Afiuni case

In any democratic country, such a law would be a cause for scandal, but the propagandists of the Sánchez government are willing to take people for idiots in an attempt to make them believe that this law is not an attempt to cover up corruption scandals, but a heroic defense of democracy. An example of this is that one of the media outlets closest to Pedro Sánchez's government, Eldiario.es (directed by Ignacio Escolar), has decided to baptize this impunity law as the "anti-ultras law". No, it's not a joke, here you can see its headlines:

This law has been criticized by ALL judges' associations, including the one closest to the socialists, for rendering popular action useless - a right recognized by Article 125 of the Constitution - to make it difficult to report cases of corruption. Even Sumar, Sánchez's communist partners, have criticized this law, recalling that "popular accusation is a democratic advance that has made it possible to pursue corruption."

But Sánchez's government never lacks fanatics willing to defend anything, even an attack on democracy like the one announced by the PSOE this week. For Sánchez's hooligans, it seems that anything goes if the socialists do it, even stripping a constitutional article of content to close the judicial investigations into the corruption cases affecting the government, the party and Sánchez's family circle.

The funniest thing is that Eldiario.es is an example of what the government understands by real journalism, as opposed to the "pseudo-media", the expression coined by Sánchez and his fellow officials to disqualify the independent media that have brought to light the scandals that the courts are now investigating, a process in which several people are accused of various corruption crimes, including Sánchez's wife and brother and one of his former ministers. These accusations came after the government and the PSOE claimed that all these scandals were mere "hoaxes".

Manipulating facts in such a blatant way is nothing new for the left. Socialists and communists have done things like calling the murder of unborn children a "right", calling the Berlin Wall as an "anti-fascist protection wall", and calling a brutal dictatorship the "German Democratic Republic". Manipulating words to disguise all kinds of abuses is a tradition of the left. I would say that a day will come when some will feel ashamed when reading what they said now to defend Sánchez, but to feel ashamed you have to be ashamed first.

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