If we remove all the disguises that the left uses to adorn its ideological dogmas, what remains is, simply, misery and oppression.
The coalition government of socialists and communists headed by Pedro Sánchez yesterday announced its latest kick in the teeth of fundamental rights: it intends for doctors to work exclusively for the public health system for five years after completing their period as resident medical interns (MIR), which lasts another 4 or 5 years.
If this measure is implemented, thousands of doctors in Spain would be forced to work exclusively for the State. As expected, this nonsense has been rejected by the medical unions. It should be noted that the nonsense has come from the Ministry of Health, headed by Mónica García, one of the ministers of the communist coalition Sumar, the new electoral brand launched by the Communist Party of Spain to continue hiding its acronyms.
What the far-left government is aiming for is an attack on Article 35 of the Constitution, which recognises "the free choice of profession or trade." What should exist in a democratic country is the greatest possible freedom in choosing a profession and the place where each person wishes to practise it. What Mónica García is doing is confusing Spain with Cuba, a communist dictatorship in which private healthcare does not exist and where doctors are forced to work for the State for miserable wages. If the government imposes this measure in Spain, what will happen, foreseeably, is that many medical graduates will go to work in other countries, fleeing a precarious labour environment, without freedom and which forces them to be hostages of the State.
One has to ask: What will come next? Will architects and engineers be forced to work for the State for five years? Will newly qualified lawyers be forced to work exclusively on duty? Maybe journalists can only work for public media for five years? And after those five years, what will come next? Will the deadline be extended to ten or fifteen years or to a lifetime of work? If a violation of rights like the one proposed by Mónica García is accepted, it opens the door for even greater violations. Because for the left, the provisional thing is to have a free economy: its ultimate goal is for the State to take over everything.
With this measure, once again, the left has shown absolute indifference to the systematic failure of its ideological recipes, recipes that have turned a prosperous and democratic country like Venezuela into a dictatorship under which citizens suffer increasing deprivation. Socialist and communist dogmas do not seek to promote a democratic society, but to erode it, constantly expanding the weight of the State in society, which requires a reduction in freedoms that has as its ultimate goal an anti-democratic regime like those that socialists and communists have been implementing in countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, China, Laos, Eritrea and Vietnam.
Photo: La Moncloa. Monica Garcia, Minister of Health of Spain.
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