When a stranger lies to you, it's normal to have doubts about whether they are being sincere or trying to deceive you.
That benefit of the doubt is no longer given to a person you know who made you a promise in exchange for your support and then betrayed his word. When you hear someone like that make new promises, the benefit of the doubt gives way to anger, because you realize that he is trying to deceive other people as he deceived you before.
Feijóo promises to cancel Sánchez's measures: “What I say, I do”
This is precisely what happens to me with Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Yesterday, in a message published on his Twitter account, the national president of the Popular Party affirmed: "We will annul every measure that the Sanchismo has used to divide society". A promise that has no credibility considering that it comes from a party, the PP, that betrayed all its promises of change during Rajoy's mandate, leaving all the socialist ideological laws intact. But I am writing this entry because, in addition, Feijóo stated:
"Friends, I am pledging my word with what I am saying. And if I was elected regional president four consecutive times it was not because I broke my word in exchange for being voted for in an investiture, it was because what I say, I do."
The solemn electoral promise that Feijóo betrayed in Galicia
This is not only a liar, but a huge cynic. I have been denouncing for 15 years what this guy did to those of us who voted for him in the elections that made him president of the Galician government. In March 2009, Feijóo's great electoral promise was "linguistic freedom", after four years of a coalition government of the socialists of the PSOE and the separatists of the BNG whose linguistic policy was based on the imposition of Galician. Feijóo said Galicians could choose the language in which their children study.
After his arrival at the Galician government, months began to pass without making any changes. Finally, nine months later, in December 2009, he announced a model of "trilingualism" that broke his electoral promise. He was not content with pulling the wool over the eyes of those of us who had voted for him, but also began to say that linguistic freedom was like South African Apartheid, when it was precisely the fall of that racist regime that made it possible to establish linguistic freedom in South Africa. In reality, the discriminatory linguistic model of Apartheid was a trilingual model very similar to Feijóo's.
Feijóo's recipe for continuing to govern after deceiving his voters
Feijóo is right when he says that despite breaking his word he continued to win elections, but that is not proof that he kept his promises. If the PP has continued to win in Galicia it is because the vote of fear works for it, a strategy that consists of frightening voters, telling them that either they vote for the PP or the socialists and separatists will return, although in practice their policies are increasingly similar. To that must be added a flood of subsidies to the media by the PP government, using taxpayers' money.
As I have said many times, after that electoral fraud I promised myself that I would not vote for the PP again. From then on I voted blank, and since Vox appeared I have been depositing the ballot for that party in the ballot boxes, since it has assumed the defense of the linguistic freedom that the PP betrayed. I will never vote for the PP or Feijóo again. I refuse to vote again for liars, for cynics who, in addition to deceiving you, still have the nerve to boast about the value of their word and tell you that "what I say, I do."
Photo: Partido Popular.
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