They are being withdrawn to be scrapped, including classic cars

The abandoned and radioactive cars lying in the Fukushima exclusion zone

Esp 1·29·2023 · 23:37 0

I never imagined that a gem like this Porsche 911 Carrera in such a sad state of neglect would top an entry on this website...

Inside the Fukushima exclusion zone, the scene of the 2011 disaster in Japan
The furthest car park: the three wheeled vehicles that were abandoned on the Moon

It's just one of the cars, some of them really expensive, that were abandoned in the Fukushima exclusion zone after the nuclear accident on March 11, 2011. A week ago we saw an interesting video from the channel Exploring the Unbeaten Path exploring that location and its current state. Today that same channel has published an interesting video dedicated specifically to the abandoned and radiation-contaminated cars that rest in that exclusion zone, waiting to be removed and scrapped:

You can see below some screenshots of the video, although I warn you that these images may hurt the sensibilities of motorsport fans.

A 1964 Chevrolet Impala , imported from the US. It is very sad that this classic car is doomed to be scrapped, like the other abandoned cars in that area.

A Honda S2000 , in a field where many cars being removed from the Fukushima exclusion zone are being placed, before being scrapped.

The rear of the Porsche 911 Carrera Type 964 from the 1990s. It has worn paint from having been outdoors for 12 years, but otherwise it is in good condition.

A Suzuki SJ410 SUV, sold in Spain as Suzuki Samurai. Most of the vehicle has been covered by vegetation.

A Daihatsu Move surrounded by vegetation. One thing that stands out is that despite years of neglect, the vast majority of cars have not been vandalized.

An abandoned Toyota Sienta in the middle of nowhere. There is a plant that has grown against the left front door, but the car is in good shape.

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