Espinaredo is one more example of that part of Spain already almost depopulated

A walk through a spectacular mountain village in Asturias with its last neighbors

Esp 4·26·2023 · 23:33 0

There is a very important part of the history of Spain that is published in books, but there is another that is gradually disappearing.

A ghost town located in the middle of nowhere in a deep valley of Asturias
Asturias: a beautiful century-old school that is preserved as it was in 1970

That other part of our history took place in small villages, in many cases isolated in the middle of the mountain. Life was hard in them, there were not many of the comforts that we have today in the cities, but unlike what happens in these, life in those villages was done more in community. That life is disappearing with its last neighbors. This is the case of a village in Asturias, Espinaredo, in the council of Tineo. Located at an altitude of more than 600 meters, it did not have an access road until the 1990s.

Today in that village there are only 2 of the 68 neighbors that it once had, a married couple that refuses to leave the place where they grew up. A place with spectacular views and which shows us the channel Hilux Aventura (which I recommend following) in an interesting video posted earlier this month:

You can see here some screenshots of the video as a small preview (the most interesting part is the talk of the author of the video with one of the last two neighbors). Here we see a typical Asturian panera, a granary with six or more pegollos (the pillars that separate it from the ground, to prevent rodents from climbing up) that was used to store cereals, legumes, etc.

A nice view of the part of town where the road leads. The houses were made with reddish stone from a nearby quarry.

The impressive viewpoint near the village, overlooking the entire valley. It's a shame to think that such a town can be abandoned.

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