If anyone was in any doubt about who is fueling street terrorism in France, it was a little clearer yesterday.
Mélenchon refuses to call for calm
In a television interview broadcast this Sunday (can be seen here), the communist Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise (one of the most pro-Russian parties in France and a member of the far-left Spanish parties Podemos, Izquierda Unida and EH Bildu, in which he coincides in the Confederal Group of the European United Left), refused to call for calm as groups of North Africans, sub-Saharan Africans and left-wing extremists continue to torch French streets. Mélenchon spoke of "social mistreatment" and "police mistreatment" of "certain populations" and did not condemn the violence, an attitude for which he has been widely criticized in recent days in France.
The communist deputy speaks of "class struggle" and blames "the rich"
On Twitter, the communist deputy shared some fragments of the interview in which he includes some of his statements : "We live in a form of class warfare: the poor rebel and the rich despise them", he said to explain things like the fire in a library in Marseille, burned private cars, looted shops and other images that have been seen in recent days in that country. Let us remember that these violent young people live in a country with all kinds of comforts, rights and public services, and often receive public subsidies paid by the rest of the taxpayers.
A speech that pushes many left-wing voters to support Le Pen
Mélenchon insisted on his demagogic discourse and that he blames "the rich" for what is happening: "The rich, the powerful, have gone mad. They want to live apart from the "harmful" as their police say, keep them at a distance, control them. The rich no longer want to live with others. They have their barracks entrenched, their means of transportation, their hospitals." Let's remember that massive immigration It especially affects the poorest neighborhoods. Speeches such as Mélenchon's are making many left-wing voters support Marine Le Pen's party, which calls for policies of stricter immigration.
The solution of the Mélenchon party: dissolve the Police Anti-Crime Brigade
With his attitude, Mélenchon is not only encouraging violence, but is also doing so for political purposes. Last Friday, La France Insoumise published a statement stating that France is experiencing "a movement of revolt in many cities of the country, which urgently demands a political response". The far-left party did not make any criticism of the violent ones and blamed these serious events on "racism, police violence or discrimination in access to employment or housing." Mélenchon's party focuses on criticizing the Police and even calls for the dissolution of the BAC (Anti-Crime Brigade) , a rapid response police unit in the event of a terrorist attack.
Mélenchon's Spanish associates and their attitude towards violence
This type of attitude is not something isolated or exceptional among the extreme left. In Spain, Podemos and Izquierda Unida, two of Mélenchon's Spanish partners, promoted serious riots in 2014 in Burgos, which left images very similar to those being seen now in France, with barricades and vehicle fires. His support for violence has not been limited to that: already from the government of Spain, Podemos has come to justify attacks against political rivals, specifically against members of Vox, democratic party against which Pablo Iglesias, then leader of Podemos, launched an "anti-fascist alert", which was the beginning of a wave of violence against Vox affiliates and headquarters throughout Spain.
The case of Mélenchon's other Spanish partners is even more serious: EH Bildu refuses to condemn the more than 800 murders committed by the terrorist group ETA, among them murders that had babies and children as victims. European partners like these explain the infamous attitude adopted by the French extreme left, encouraging this serious wave of street terrorism. With this attitude, Mélenchon and his co-religionists only agree with those who warn that the extreme left represents a threat to democracy .
Photo: AFP.
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