There is an old saying attributed to Aristotle and that some journalists often forget: "Man is master of his silence and slave of his words."
A film in which Ternera says that ETA did not commit terrorism
This week, the leftist propagandist Jordi Évole (he labels himself a "journalist") presented at the San Sebastián film festival a documentary film interviewing Josu Ternera, one of the former leaders of the terrorist group ETA. As reported by Europa Press, in the film Ternera denies that ETA's activity was terrorism and blames the State for the murders of children by that criminal gang .
Jordi Évole describes Ternera as a 'militant' and labeling ball him as a 'terrorist'
These statements throw overboard the attempts of the left to whitewash this criminal, in the same way that they have been whitewashing the political arm of ETA. Some attempts in which this documentary can be framed, which provides a powerful speaker for a terrorist while avoiding describing him as such. In fact, at the press conference to present his film (can be seen here the video), Évole described Ternera as "militant" (point 0:06:32 of the video), an adjective that surprised the journalists present. In question time, Évole said that Ternera was a "fanatical militant" (0:34:46) but he avoided labeling him a "terrorist", something that has provoked a logical scandal.
To justify himself, Évole stated: "I don't think we should enter into that type of qualifications" (0:34:57). Furthermore, the left-wing propagandist also avoided commenting on Tercera, stating the following (0:06:18): "I cannot have a highly formed personal opinion about a person whom I practically do not know, except for the time I spent with him in the interview." That is, Évole does not have an opinion about a guy who was part of a terrorist group that murdered more than 800 Spaniards, children included, and that in his documentary he openly justifies these crimes and does not consider them terrorism. If this isn't whitewashing a terrorist, then what do we call it?
In 2018 Évole labeled the members of Vox 'fascists'
Évole's attitude with the terrorist Ternera is very different from the attitude he has exhibited with Vox, a party chaired by Santiago Abascal, a man who has spent many years with an escort after being threatened with death by ETA. Let us also remember that the honorary president of Vox is José Antonio Ortega Lara, who was kidnapped for 532 days by ETA , in the longest kidnapping committed by these terrorists.
In October 2018, Évole gave an interview (can be seen here) in which he labeled the members of Vox "fascists" (minute 13:37), described that democratic party as a "fascist party" (16 :12) and, immediately afterwards, he said of its members that "they are racist, they are homophobic, they are machists..." Here you can see a fragment of that interview, in which Évole described Vox, a democratic party, as "fascism", adding: "fascism must be fought, and we must fight it from already".
In 2020 Évole said about Abascal: "a hostion would be good for him"
Likewise, in January 2020, in another interview on Antena 3, Évole said about Abascal: "a hostión [hard hit] would be good for him." A clear incitement to violence whose video was deleted on social networks at the request of Antena 3. The president of Vox responded to Évole with these words published on his Twitter account: "How many headlines would these statements occupy if they had been made by a member of VOX? It is not unusual for someone who legitimizes ETA wants violence or harm against someone."
The moral filth of the political and media left
Seeing his double standard against a terrorist and against Ortega Lara's party, I can think of inelegant ways to describe Évole, but with a guy like that it is not worth resorting to the rich and varied repertoire of disqualifications that the Spanish language has. The most putrid portrait of Évole is the one he made of himself yesterday when he avoided labeling a terrorist as a "terrorist", after insulting Ortega Lara's party. The Spanish left, both political and media, does not she needs to be disqualified. The Spanish left alone is enough to sink daily into the deepest moral filth. That is why it shows more contempt for Vox than for scum like Bildu and Ternera.
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