Pedro Sánchez has taken his party to terrifying levels of fanaticism

A cocktail of mafia, sect and phrenopathic: the North Korean drift of Spanish socialism

Those who have allowed themselves to be dragged ideologically into the fold of Spanish socialism should be feeling very alarmed right now.

The Spanish left launches a hunt against three things that distinguish us from a dictatorship
Sánchez's 'reflexion' gives way to a wave of leftist pressure on judges and media

The left destroys the false image it had created of itself

For decades, the Spanish left has been creating a false image of itself, in which it presented itself as the genuine representative of democracy, tolerance and even good feelings. But reality is more stubborn than propaganda: political corruption, abuses of power, injuries to freedoms and attacks on judicial independence by socialist governments have made many who previously Those who were active in those ranks fled from them in disgust, leaving behind the most fanatics.

As is often the case, fanaticism has good breeding grounds in ignorance and irrationality. Socialism has actively promoted these two scourges in Spain, with successive educational laws that aimed to lower the level of quality of teaching, either to win over the youngest with easy passes, or by absurd idea that educational excellence was something typical of fascists or even because of the unspeakable certainty that the more ignorant people there are, the more potential voters socialism will have.

A spiral of fanaticism, hysteria and excitement

We are seeing the result as a result of the victimist letter from Pedro Sánchez. The Spanish left in general and socialism in particular have entered a spiral of fanaticism, hysteria and excitement that should make us wonder: in whose hands is Spain? During the six years since the In front of the government, Pedro Sánchez has promoted a Caesarist mentality with which he has pushed his party, the PSOE, into a purely North Korean drift, in which the leader is worshiped as if the world were going away. to end if he resigned.

Socialism turned into a cocktail of mafia, sect and phrenopathic

The spectacle that Spanish socialism has organized is contributing to giving a grotesque image, in which three different realities are mixed. Firstly, its mafia character, and I refer to the third definition that the RAE gives the word mafia: "Organized group that tries to defend its interests without too many scruples." Sánchez is the clearest personification of that lack of scruples, of that idea that anything goes to get what you want, including attacking judicial independence, trampling on the Constitution and making agreements with those who have never convicted the hundreds of murders by the terrorist group ETA.

Secondly, the PSOE is giving a sect image that until now seemed exclusive to the most radical communist groups. The messages that the socialists are circulating on the networks, talking about Sánchez as if he were their private messiah, are something closer to the Maoists or the subjects of the North Korean dictatorship than to the democratic socialism that he claimed to have. its most respectable references in the Nordic countries. Not even the extreme Ibero-American left had reached these extremes, if we except the lunatics of the Shining Path.

And so we arrive, thirdly, at the result of the above, that point at which it is difficult to distinguish where fanaticism ends and where the mental disorder begins, the inability to accept reality and to realize of the colossal national and international ridicule that the Spanish left is making. Spanish socialism is giving a phrenopathic image that is purely insane, an image that is light years away from the personal category of historical socialists such as Julián Besteiro, Enrique Múgica, Francisco Vázquez, Nicolás Redondo Terreros and others who, from ideological positions very different from mine, have always deserved my respect.

A show that shows the need for political change

The spectacle we are seeing these days in Spain only serves to confirm how necessary a political change is in our country, a change that not only serves to remove from power those who are using it to degrade democracy , harm our freedoms and fill their pockets. This change must also be to undo all the damage that these people have done to our society, with laws whose purpose was the same as the campaign of fanaticism that we are seeing now: to break coexistence between Spaniards, plunder our wealth, demolish our democracy and take away our freedoms.


Photo: Korean Central News Agency.

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