Sánchez's victimhood farce unleashes an assault operation on democracy

The Spanish left launches a hunt against three things that distinguish us from a dictatorship

Spain is not experiencing the moments before the possible resignation of the president of the government, but rather the establishment of an authoritarian regime.

Sánchez's 'reflexion' gives way to a wave of leftist pressure on judges and media
Santiago Abascal's speech attributing Sánchez's actions to the 'shamelessness' of socialism

That is the conclusion that is drawn from seeing the things that the Spanish left is doing and saying in recent hours, especially on social networks and in their related media, with attacks on three things that precisely distinguish a democracy from one. dictatorship. This is three things that were pointed out by Pedro Sánchez in his letter on Wednesday, two of them expressly and one tacitly, in a way of targeting those institutions that do not bow to the dictates of the government.

The political opposition

Sánchez expressly targeted her in his letter, mentioning the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal. In addition, Sánchez used a conspiracy theory to accuse the opposition of being "a coalition of right-wing and ultra-right interests that extends throughout the main Western democracies". He also said that PP and Vox "instrumentalized their conservative majority in the Senate" by promoting a commission of inquiry into socialist corruption, a statement with which he makes it clear that he does not accept the fact of not having control of the upper house.

A country without political opposition is a dictatorship. And that seems to be Sánchez's unspeakable dream, judging by his Caesarism and the way he presents himself before the two chambers of the Spanish Parliament: in the six years that he has been governing he has decided in all his parliamentary interventions to attack the opposition, without ever offering the explanations that are asked of him, without answering the questions that are asked and exhibiting an idea of the Parliamentarism more similar to the legislative chamber of a communist dictatorship than to the parliaments of democratic countries. This is not at all strange, considering that Sánchez governs with communists who support dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela.

The independent Justice

Spanish socialism has never accepted an independent Justice. One of its first organic laws after coming to power in the 1980s was the Organic Law of the Judicial Power to submit to Justice to government control. This has been a common practice among socialists, and not only in Spain. In 2004, Venezuelan socialism did the same to give Hugo Chávez control of the judges. This is how the current socialist dictatorship began in that country.

Sanchez's letter is a tacit rejection of this independent Justice, because in it he expresses all his rage against the fact that the president of the government and his family are not above the laws and do not enjoy Absolute impunity for crime. The left is now launching to pressure the judge in the case, who has limited himself to complying with the law and his duties as a judge.

Independent Justice is one of the pillars of democracy. Without it there is no democracy, but rather the absolute control of society by political power, which is what is commonly described by the word dictatorship. The Sánchez government has been launching attacks on judicial independence for years. In 2021, in the face of these attacks, more than 2,500 judges alerted the EU that Spain is going "towards totalitarianism". The EU did not listen to them, and as a consequence of this now the Spanish left intends to launch its final assault on Justice to make Sánchez untouchable.

The free media

Sánchez has disqualified the information about his wife with an ad hominem fallacy, stating that they are "media with a marked right-wing and far-right orientation". It is a way to discredit the media critical of its government action, the media that still act independently and that have not allowed themselves to be bought by the millionaire government subsidies in the form of institutional advertising to gain the favor of the media and offer advantages to those who allow themselves to buy. The left is now pointing fingers at the free media and even proposing the government to take control of it and to order its closure. It is the same thing that socialism did in Venezuela.

Without free media there is no democracy. Independent journalism is a necessary institution in every democratic country to supervise the government's actions and denounce its abuses. Sánchez does not want free media for the same reason that he hates having independent judges and a political opposition: these three institutions prevent the government from exercising absolute and unlimited power, and if anything Sánchez has demonstrated is that he is an aspiring autocrat, a person who believes he has the right to have his wishes be orders for all Spaniards, a despot who considers our freedoms to be hateful barriers to his personal whims.

We are facing an assault on democracy

Taking into account what we have just reviewed, the question is not whether Sánchez will continue in office. Today it became known that is already mobilizing presidential resources for its May vacation, which shows that this entire supposed five-day "reflexion" is nothing more than a victimist farce made for hide Sánchez's true intentions.

What the left is exhibiting these last few hours is an attempt to turn Spain into a dictatorship, in which Sánchez is above the laws and enjoys full powers to do whatever he pleases, without accountability to the opposition, controlling judges and silencing free media. We Spaniards must mobilize to prevent this assault on democracy. If we do not do so, we will end up just like countries in which socialism has imposed its dictatorships.


Photo: Congreso de los Diputados.

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