“When the people call them to account, they victimize themselves,” he said

Santiago Abascal's speech attributing Sánchez's actions to the 'shamelessness' of socialism

Sanchez's victimizing maneuver after the judicial proceedings against his wife had a forceful response yesterday from Budapest.

Sánchez's 'reflexion' gives way to a wave of leftist pressure on judges and media
The real reason for Sánchez's victimizing letter using his wife as an excuse

CPAC 2024, a Conservative Political Action Conference organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights, is held in the capital of Hungary and which brings together political leaders from several countries. Santiago Abascal, president of the Spanish party Vox, spoke yesterday at this event with a speech in which he referred to the political situation created in Spain with the corruption scandals that affect the socialist government and the reaction of Sánchez to cover them up, announcing five days of "reflection" in an attempt to mobilize his supporters and cause a closing of ranks among his parliamentary allies.

The president of the third most voted party in Spain said: "What makes me truly ashamed as a Spaniard is to see how yesterday the President of the Government announced to all Spaniards that he was victimizing, that he was taking some few days of vacation to decide whether to continue leading the Government or not, as a consequence of the serious corruption scandals that affect your government You know, you know it very well, perhaps better than we do. To what extent it is incredible the shamelessness of socialism and communism that lies, steals, betrays the people, tramples on the laws, persecutes freedoms and when the people ask them to account, they become victims. always, everywhere."

«Lies, steals, betrays the people, tramples on the laws, persecutes freedoms and when the people ask them to account, they become victims»

Abascal made a speech of solid principles in which he recalled that "when we founded this project we already saw the harsh attack that the family suffers, but not only the family. The attack on the life of the unborn, the attack on the innocence of children in schools, the attack on common sense, the attack on biology, the attack on freedom in all areas, the attack on private property, to economic well-being, to strong borders and to the sovereignty of our nations. Concepts and values, all of which are threatened by old and new ideologies or rather, by very old ideologies, disguised in new clothes."

The president of Vox added: "the costume now is called globalism and woke culture, which is something like a mix between John Lennon's song and the Communist Manifesto and for many costumes with that this new communism is presented in which the same sinister as always is presented, they cannot hide their hatred of our civilization, its values and even the very symbols of that civilization, such as the cross. Some symbols that they pursue with a barbarity that we believed only the Taliban were capable of." The Vox leader made a mention of international politics that was answered with applause from the public:

"The progressive world always has an excuse to justify the horrors of jihadism and always has a denunciation and an attack on the people who resist it, as they do today with the State of Israel, to whom we want to send all our affection and especially a memory for the people who remain kidnapped by the most ruthless and cruel terrorist organization on the face of the earth."

You can listen to Abascal's full speech at CPAC here (the video is in Spanish, you can activate the automatic English subtitles in the bottom bar of the player):

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