In the midst of a socialist coup against the rule of law in Spain, an event once again highlights the government's tolerance for a terrorist group.
EH Bildu announced a demonstration with the assistance of the PFLP
This Friday, EH Bildu, a far-left separatist party allied with Sánchez's government (it was one of those who voted in favor of his reelection this week) that refuses to condemn the crimes of the terrorist group ETA , announced a demonstration in Bilbao with the participation of the "PFLP of Palestine", which also Delegations from two other allied formations of the Spanish socialist government would have attended: the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC).
A group classified as terrorist by the EU, the US and Canada
Coincidentally, the acronym PFLP coincides with those of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which has appeared for years in registries of terrorist organizations of the European Union, United States and Canada. Its classification as a terrorist organization by the EU was reiterated in EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/422 on February 24, 2023. The PFLP appears on the European list of EU terrorist groups with number 17. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, which split from the PFLP in 1968, has number 18.
The relationship of the FPLP with the party of two Sánchez ministers
The FPLP also maintains relations with two other Spanish far-left political groups: the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG), which annually invites the PFLP to its rallies on July 25 in Santiago de Compostela , and the Communist Party of Spain (PCE), which includes the PFLP among its "sister organizations". It so happens that there are two PCE militants in Sánchez's government: Vice President Yolanda Díaz and Consumer Affairs Minister Alberto Garzón.
Sánchez's government does nothing to prevent the presence of this terrorist group
The presence of the PFLP at BNG rallies is repeated year after year without the government having done anything to prevent it, despite the repeated attendance of that terrorist group at a public event in the capital of Galicia. In yesterday's demonstration that presence was repeated and also announced in advance, and once again the government has done nothing to prevent a terrorist group from walking through a Spanish city with impunity, failing to fulfill its duty to protect go after criminal organizations like that. Let us remember that the PFLP has been involved in numerous assassinations, including that of the Israeli Minister of Tourism Rehavam Zeevi on October 17, 2001.
The PFLP supported the Hamas terrorist massacre against Israel on October 7
It should also be noted that the PFLP has supported the terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, in which Hamas raped, tortured, murdered and kidnapped defenseless civilians, including children and babies , in the worst massacre committed against the Jewish community since the Holocaust. This Saturday, the Spanish Jewish organization ACOM denounced the impunity of the PFLP in Spain, remembering that this is a terrorist group "by the EU and Spain and that murders Israelis and Jews wherever it has the opportunity". ACOM has denounced that the Ministry of the Interior and the Government Delegation in the Basque Country "have allowed this barbarity".
El gobierno pretende amnistiar delitos de terrorismo
This serious event has taken place only a few days after the Sánchez government announced a law that aims to amnesty serious crimes, including terrorism crimes that are being investigated by the Spanish Justice, an investigation that the Socialist Party (PSOE) intends to prevent in order to leave the separatists prosecuted for this crime and possession of explosives unpunished.
Large police deployment against protesters while terrorists walk freely
It is worth wondering if this amnesty is being applied de facto also to the FPLP due to its good relations with the party of two members of the government and with other allies of the PSOE. Does the EU have anything to say about the fact that Sánchez's government grants impunity to a terrorist group on European soil? And all this while the government makes extensive police deployment against the demonstrations that are taking place. place in Madrid against the socialist coup. The government orders the Police to monitor and charge protesters while a terrorist group walks through Spain with complete freedom. The world is upside down.
Photo: AFP. Terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Gaza on September 1, 2014.
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