There were protests in front of the PSOE headquarters in the provincial capitals

General strike and 22nd day of protests against the socialist coup in Spain

Today the protests have continued in Spain against the socialist coup to the rule of law, to which a general strike has been added.

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The general strike has been called by the Solidaridad union, related to Vox. On the occasion of this call, Solidaridad has organized a demonstration in the Arches of La Moncloa, in Madrid, at seven in the afternoon, and at eight in the afternoon protests have been called in front of the headquarters of the Socialist Party (PSOE). in all the provincial capitals of Spain. You can see images of some of those protests here.


After the demonstration in the Arcos de La Moncloa, the protesters headed to Ferraz Street to continue the protest in front of the national headquarters of the PSOE. Photos: Solidaridad.

La Coruña

Photo: Vox La Coruña.


Photo: Vox Huelva.


Photos: @DavidArranzVox.


Photos: Vox Málaga.


Photos: VOX Asamblea de Murcia.


Photos: Vox Asturias.

Palma de Mallorca

Photos: Vox Baleares.


Photos: Vox Navarra.


Photos sent by Álvaro Díaz-Mella.


Photos: Grupo Parlamentario VOX Parlamento de Cantabria.


Photos: @Javicortes_VOX.


Photos: @juan_ggallardo.

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