There is an inexplicable tendency on the part of a certain right to allow itself to be taught by the left about who its companions should be.
These days, both in Spain and in the rest of Europe, we are seeing once again how some politicians that people consider to be center-right allow themselves to be imposed by the left with an absolute veto on any type of understanding with conservative parties, simply because the left and its related media have decided to label them as "far right." A labeling that It is absolutely misleading, as we saw here, since it is used to demonize political options whose behavior is much more democratic than that of the left.
At the same time that it behaves like a kind of new inquisition, monitoring our companions, the left allows itself to be accompanied by declared enemies of freedom and democracy. Let's look, without going any further, at the case of Spain, whose president of the government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, is using the wild card of the "extreme right" to cover up his corruption scandals, with a cynicism only comparable to the of some dictatorial regimes. The Sánchez government has the following partners:
How can you have the hard face to demonize the democratic right from a government with this trash of partners? Each one may agree with them or not, but neither the Popular Party nor Vox has the long criminal history of the PSOE, nor do they support communist dictatorships like Sánchez's communist partners, nor are they heirs of a terrorist gang, nor do they have stinking racists like Sabino Arana among their founders.
The Spanish left has no moral authority to give lessons to the right. It never has. With his dark past, the only thing he should do is ask for forgiveness every day and actively and passively assure us that he will never do all the misdeeds he has done again.
Photo: Bildu. Pedro Sánchez shakes the hand of María Mercedes Aizpurúa, Bildu deputy, at the meeting they held on October 13, 2023 to stage Bildu's support for Sánchez's re-election.
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