The brutal killing perpetrated by the republican side in the Spanish Civil War

The names of the 50 children killed by communists in the Paracuellos massacre

Esp 11·07·2017 · 0:12 0

On this day, on the night of November 6 to 7, 1936, 81 years ago, the largest massacre perpetrated in the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War began.

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Some 5,000 men, women and children killed

Between that night and December 4, 1936, under the orders of the communist leader Santiago Carrillo, then public order counselor, and under the responsibility of the republican government that on November 6 had moved to Valencia, some 5,000 men, women and children were taken from several prisons in Madrid and taken to Aravaca, Paracuellos de Jarama and Torrejón de Ardoz, to be killed. The first 89, killed on the morning of November 7, had been taken from the San Antón and Porlier prisons. They were buried in pit number 1, at the foot of the Cerro de San Miguel, on which stands a white cross that dominates the Cemetery of the Martyrs of Paracuellos, and which is visible from Terminal 2 of the Barajas Airport.

In the massacre 276 minors were killed

Among those killed were people arrested for their political ideas, for being entrepreneurs or for being Catholic. As I have already pointed out, among the victims there were many people who had not reached the age of majority (then in 23 years old). On December 4, 2006, relatives and friends of the murdered persons published a full-page obituary in the newspaper El Mundo, citing the names of 276 minors murdered in these massacres. I have obtained that obituary and I have decided to publish here the list of the 50 murdered - all boys - between the ages of 13 and 17, just children. While transcribing their names I have seen that, according to the surnames, four of them were killed along with their older brothers. I did not want to separate them in this little tribute, so I've put the names of the older brothers in the corresponding entries. The list includes 1 murdered who was only 13 years old, 2 murdered of 15, 8 murdered of 16 and 39 murdered of 17.

And there are still miserable people who justify this atrocity

Before the list, I end with a small reflection: all murder, commit whoever commits it, I find something horrendous, and that of any child is even more so. The most surprising thing about our society is that for years I have met with miserables that somehow justify these crimes and even regret that they were no longer the murdered, and even with the far-left rabble that uses the killing as a threat with expressions like "for them like in Paracuellos." I think it is useless to try to reason with who considers legitimate to kill others for their ideas or beliefs. Of course, I wonder what miserable excuse will be invented to justify the shooting of children of 13, 15, 16 or 17 years and, above all, what excuse will be invented by the authorities to continue without persecuting those manifestations of apology for the murder.

The list of children killed in the Paracuellos massacres


  1. Francisco Martín Monterroso, 17 years old.
  2. Luis Romeu Cayuela, 17 years old.

Paracuellos de Jarama

  1. Luis Abía Melendra, 17 years old.
  2. Ramón Alcántara Alonso, 17 years old.
  3. Manuel Alonso Ruiz, 16 years old.
  4. Jaime Aranda de Lombera, 17 years old; they also murdered his brother Andrés, 22, and his father Salvador, 50.
  5. Carlos Arizcun Quereda, 17 years old.
  6. José A. Barreda Fernández Cerceda, 17 years old.
  7. Manuel Blanco Urbina, 17 years old.
  8. Vicente Caldón Gutiérrez, 17 years old.
  9. José María Casanova y González Mateo, 17 years old.
  10. Antonio Castillejos y Zard, 16 years old.
  11. Víctor Delgado Aranda, 17 years old.
  12. Vicente Galdón Jiménez, 17 years old.
  13. Manuel Garrido Jiménez, 17 years old; they also murdered his brother Enrique, 21.
  14. Aurelio González González, 17 years old.
  15. Rafael Gutiérrez López, 17 years old.
  16. Adolfo Hernández Vicente, 17 years old.
  17. Miguel Iturruran Laucirica, 17 years old.
  18. Ángel Marcos Puente, 17 years old.
  19. Emilio Morato Espliguero, 17 years old.
  20. Saturnino Martín Luga, 17 years old.
  21. Ramón Martín Mata, 17 years old.
  22. José María Miró Moya, 16 years old.
  23. Carlos Ortiz de Taranco Cerrada, 17 years old.
  24. Manuel Pedraza García, 15 years old.
  25. Francisco Rodríguez Álvarez, 15 years old.
  26. Antonio Rodríguez de Ángel, 17 years old.
  27. José Luis Rodríguez de la Flor Torres, 17 years old.
  28. Epifanio Rodríguez García de la Rosa, 17 years old.
  29. José María Romanillos Hernando, 17 years old.
  30. Manuel Ruiz Gómez de Bonilla, 16 years old.
  31. Samuel Ruiz Navarro, 13 years old.
  32. Juan Carlos Sagastizabal Núñez, 17 years old.
  33. Alfonso Sánchez Rodríguez del Arco, 16 years old.
  34. Alfredo Santiago Lozano, 17 years old; they also murdered his brother Manuel, 20.
  35. Enrique Sicluna Rodríguez, 16 years old.
  36. Óscar Suárez Lorenzo, 17 years old.
  37. Guillermo Torres Muñoz de Barquín, 17 years old.
  38. Bernardino Trinidad Gil, 16 years old.
  39. Tarsilo de Ugarte Ruiz de Colunga, 17 years old.
  40. José Luis Vadillo y de Alcalde, 17 years old; they also murdered his brother Florencio, 21.
  41. Alejandro Villar Plasencia, 17 years old.
  42. Olegario Zorrella Muñoz, 17 years old.
  43. Alfredo Zugasti García de Paredes, 17 years old.

Torrejón de Ardoz

  1. Enrique Arregui Hidalgo, 17 years old.
  2. Rafael Arrizabalaga Español, 17 years old.
  3. Félix Berceruelo Martín, 17 years old.
  4. Jesús Calvo Quemada, 17 years old.
  5. José Luis Pérez Cremos, 16 years old.

I ask for a prayer for their souls and for the souls of all the murdered.

Rest in peace

P.S.: I add to the list Jaime Aranda, 17 years old, as his niece Pilar appointed. He was murdered in Paracuellos on November 30, 1936 along with his brother Andrés and his father Salvador.

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