Feijóo contradicts himself at a PP event held in Asturias

What kind of 'all-out opposition' is it to ask Sanchez to change in order to support him?

Esp 1·13·2025 · 7:00 0

Yesterday, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the Popular Party, was in Asturias with the presidents of the PP regional governments.

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I have read the chronicle published by the PP on that event, and there is something that has been truly shocking to me. According to the PP, addressing the government, Feijóo stated: "As long as you don't change, you won't have our support." In other words, after spending years lying, kicking our rule of law, allying himself with the heirs of the terrorist group ETA and so many other things, Feijóo still contemplates a scenario in which he can support Sánchez's government.

A little further down, the article states that Feijóo announced that the PP will continue with "an opposition without quarter and without rest" to the government. This, supposedly, he said at the same event in which he set a condition for the government to support him. What kind of "opposition without quarter and without rest" is this?

It occurred to me to look up Feijóo's words in the video of the event and I noticed a curious detail: in the chronicle on the PP website, the "unrelenting opposition" appears after setting a condition for supporting the government, but in reality he said it before. The mention of the "unrelenting opposition" appears at point 0:34:15 of the video, while the statement that "until he changes, he will not have our support" appears at point 0:57:38. Feijóo said one thing and a few minutes later showed that it was not true. This is already a tradition in the PP.

Otherwise, the fact that the PP "will continue" to make a "relentless opposition" to Sánchez sounds like a bad joke if we take into account that in the last four years the PP shared the Court of Auditors, the Ombudsman, the RTVE Council, the General Council of the Judiciary and the Central Electoral Board with the PSOE, and as if all this were not enough, gave Sánchez control of the Constitutional Court.

Furthermore, just a few months ago, after the last European elections, the European People's Party reissued its "grand coalition" with the socialists in Brussels, a coalition that has until now served to keep Ursula von der Leyen (EPP) absolutely silent about Sánchez's abuses, after spending years ideologically persecuting the conservative governments of Poland and Hungary. If the PP continues to wage "unrelenting opposition" like this, it will end up creating Sánchez fan clubs all over Spain.


Photo: Partido Popular.

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