This May 1 the extreme left has returned to star various events in Spain. In some of them, political groups that openly demand a dictatorship have participated.
A party of nostalgics of the USSR that do not condemn the crimes of Stalin
That is the case of the Communist Party of Workers of Spain (PCTE), a split of the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE). Both formations are among the most radical of the Spanish communist movement. In the case of the PCTE, it is a party of nostalgics of the Soviet Union: "the USSR and the rest of the socialist countries demonstrated the superiority of socialism-communism over capitalism,", their website says. In the same website, they also criticize the condemnation of the EU against the crimes of Stalinism. Crimes that caused millions of deaths due to purges, deportations and famines caused by that dictatorship, such as the one that caused the Ukrainian genocide, also known as Holodomor, in the years 1932 and 1933.
The PCTE program speaks of overthrowing the State and establishing "the dictatorship of the proletariat"
In the last Sunday elections, PCTE received 14,189 votes. Its electoral program (see PDF) was not blunt: "Our project is based on the understanding that the working class of the peoples of Spain is united by their class interests against the bourgeoisie, whose State must be overthrown in a revolutionary process that implant in Spain the workers' power -the dictatorship of the proletariat-, which will adopt the form of the Socialist Republic and base its operation on the principles of democratic centralism" (calling "democratic" to establish a "dictatorship", with all the letters, is of a colossal cynicism). In short, to put it another way: these people want to turn Spain into a replica of the USSR, the GDR or North Korea.
Spanish laws require that parties conform to democratic principles
Article 6 of the Spanish Constitution is very clear in relation to political parties: "Their internal structure and their functioning must be democratic." In addition, the Law of Political Parties establishes in its Article 6: "The political parties will adjust in their organization, functioning and activity to the democratic principles and to the provisions of the Constitution and the laws." Despite this, the PCTE has demonstrated today with total impunity in Madrid:
In Granada:
In Sevilla:
In Córdoba:
And also in Málaga:
The photos have been published by the party on their social networks. Why is it allowed to go to an election and demonstrate in the streets to a political party that publicly aspires to establish a communist dictatorship in Spain? These are approaches that openly clash with what the current legislation in Spain establishes. On the other hand, the same media that demonize everyone who contradicts the ideological dogmas of the left, have kept silence in the face of these communist manifestations. Do their think the exhibition of this totalitarian paraphernalia seems normal and even legitimate?
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