This Wednesday, the European Parliament experienced a particularly shameful moment in relation to certain human rights violations.
360 million Christians suffer persecution because of their faith
As you may remember, in mid-January the NGO Open Doors published a report indicating that 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination because of their religion. This persecution reaches, in many cases, even murder: in 2021, 5,898 Christians were killed for their faith, 6,175 Christians were arrested for their beliefs and 5,110 churches were attacked. Currently, 1 in 7 Christians are persecuted in the world for their faith, making it the most persecuted religious community.
An MEP asked to debate this persecution in the European Parliament
It so happens that among the 50 countries that most persecute Christians there are 6 communist dictatorships and 37 Islamic countries. Perhaps this fact explains what happened yesterday in the European Parliament. French MEP Jean-Paul Garraud, from the Identity and Democracy group, proposed a debate on the persecution of Christians and Christianophobia, and specifically on the murder of the Christian woman Deborah Samuel, murdered by Muslims in Nigeria on May 12 after of being falsely accused of blaspheming Islam. Deborah was stoned and burned. Her killers also recorded the crime and later published the video.
The left rejected the petition: here you can see what each group voted for
Garraud denounced that, despite these facts, the European Commission "does not want to designate a coordinator for the fight against Christianophobia, when a coordinator of this type was created for anti-Semitism and Islamophobia". The French MEP added: "The European Parliament should talk about this important issue, the persecution of Christians, and should focus on the case of the young Deborah Samuel." Finally, Garraud's request was rejected by 244 votes against, 231 in favor and 19 abstentions. You can see the video of the vote here and you can download here what the deputies present voted for:
What Spanish MEPs voted for
Of the Spanish MEPs present at the session, those from the PP and Vox supported the proposal, while those from the PSOE, Podemos, ERC, Anticapitalistas, Catalunya en Comú and almost all those from Ciudadanos voted against it. Jordi Cañas, from Cs, abstained. Let's remember this for the next time the left tries to lecture us on tolerance, diversity, freedom and human rights. Yesterday the left portrayed how little it cares about the lives of Christians like Deborah Samuel.
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