The left's ability to manipulate language and hide facts in order to promote abortion reaches increasingly egregious lengths.
Media from several countries speak of "obstetric emergency" and "miscarriage"
In the last hours, some media outlets have published openly misleading headlines about a crime that occurred in El Salvador. Let's look at some examples:
Media from El Salvador point out that it was the murder of a newborn girl
Let us now see what the media in El Salvador say:
That is to say, what the media from other countries sell us as a miscarriage, trusting without further ado in the version offered by left-wing feminist groups, the local media point out that it was the murder of a newborn girl, who had her throat cut by her own mother. Who is right?
Prosecutor and coroner confirm that it was a murder by the throat of a newborn girl
The mystery is easy to solve. Here you can see the message published by the official account of the Attorney General of the Republic of El Salvador on this case on June 30, pointing out the sentence of Lesly Lisbeth Ramírez to 50 years in prison "for Aggravated Homicide to the detriment of her daughter new born".
#Condena I A 50 años de prisión fue condenada Lesly Lisbeth Ramírez, de 23 años de edad, por el Homicidio Agravado en perjuicio de su hija recién nacida.
Los hechos sucedieron el 17 de junio del 2020, al interior de una vivienda en el cantón El Volcán de San Miguel.
— Fiscalía General de la República El Salvador (@FGR_SV) June 29, 2022
Here you can see the statement published by the Attorney General of El Salvador that same day. In its first two paragraphs it states the following:
"Lesly Lisbeth Ramírez Ramírez, 21, will spend her next 50 years in jail for having taken the life of her newborn offspring, as assured by prosecutors from the San Miguel Life Unit.
The accused was declared responsible for the Aggravated Homicide of the baby for causing six injuries to her neck, using a knife."
Likewise, the statement from the Prosecutor's Office indicates that the forensic opinion determined as the final cause of death the "cutting of the throat by a contusive-cutting wound produced by a knife." The Prosecutor's statement adds the following:
"According to the investigations, the young woman hid her pregnancy from her relatives, and had an out-of-hospital delivery in which she gave birth to a girl who was born alive and who, through forensic examinations, was estimated to be between thirty and seven and forty weeks of gestation.
Later, she caused the baby the wounds and left her lying in the patio of the house"
Will social media 'checkers' do something about it?
Thus, it is a lie that this woman has been convicted of an "obstetric emergency" or a "miscarriage." That woman slaughtered her newborn daughter. It is a full-fledged cruel infanticide. What the media in various countries have put in their headlines is a lie propagated by pro-abortion leftist groups in El Salvador. They have copied it without bothering to verify the information, in a new attempt to promote the legalization of the murder of unborn children based on lies. Once again, some show that they consider that anything goes, even deception, to promote this atrocity.
The question we need to ask ourselves now is: are the so-called social media "checkers" going to put a fake news warning on the misleading headlines we saw at the start? Or perhaps these "checkers" will turn a blind eye because many of them are also in favor of the legalization of abortion?
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