Hebe de Bonafini also called Saint John Paul II a "pig" and wished hell for him

Francis' scandalous praise for a fanatic who celebrated the 9/11 attacks

Esp 11·22·2022 · 16:38 0

Shame. This is how I could summarize my reaction when reading the words of Pope Francis on the death of the Argentine far-leftist Hebe de Bonafini.

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The praise of Francis to Bonafini disseminated by the official agency of the Vatican

Those words have been published by Vatican News, the Holy See's news agency, which states that Francis wrote a letter to the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo on November 20 about Bonafini , affirming: "In this moment of pain for the death of Hebe de Bonafini, mother of the square, I want to be close to you and to all the people who mourn her departure."

Of the deceased, Francisco says the following: "She knew how to transform her life, like you, marked by the pain of his disappeared sons and daughters, in a tireless search for the defense of the rights of the most marginalized and invisible", and he adds: "I remember, in the meeting we had in the Vatican, the passion that she transmitted to me for wanting to give a voice to those who did not have it." According to Vatican News, Francis also praised Bonafini's "bravery" and "courage", crediting her with "the search for truth, memory and justice."

Bonafini celebrated the 9/11 attacks and called the terrorists "brave"

This seems like the last straw to me. As I pointed out yesterday, Bonafini was a fanatic who celebrated the attacks of September 11, 2001, calling the terrorists who carried them out "brave" and stating: "When the attack happened and I was In Cuba visiting my daughter, I felt joy. I'm not going to be a hypocrite, it didn't hurt me at all." Bonafini added: "I was happy, why not. Some will find it wrong. Each one will evaluate and think. I'm not going to be false. I toasted my children, I toasted so many dead , against the blockade, for everything that came to mind. I toasted to the brave. I toasted to the men who made a declaration of war with their bodies", words with the He was referring to the terrorists who murdered 2,996 people in those attacks.

He also called Saint John Paul II a "pig" and wished him "to burn alive in hell"

On the other hand, and as an Argentine newspaper recalled the day before yesterday, Bonafini said about Pope Saint John Paul II: "We want him to burn alive in hell. He is a pig. Although a priest He told me that pork is eaten, and this Pope is inedible". She also called the Catholic Church a "coup plotter." Her list of infamy could provide material for several articles. She never apologized or showed any remorse for those atrocities. She was a communist fanatic and exhibited her hatred and extremism without any shame.

What the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about the scandal

For Francis to praise a wretch like Hebe de Bonafini is something shameful and scandalous. Francis should read a little carefully what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about the scandal:

"Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. the person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor's tempter. He damages virtue and integrity; he may even draw his brother into spiritual death. Scandal is a grave offense if by deed or omission another is deliberately led into a grave offense."

The Catechism also warns: "Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized." And it adds: "Scandal is grave when given by those who by nature or office are obliged to teach and educate others. Jesus reproaches the scribes and Pharisees on this account: he likens them to wolves in sheep's clothing."

For my part, as a Catholic, I can't do anything other than apologize to the victims of 9/11 for the words of Francis. It is unfortunate that a Pope exhibits that attitude and has no qualms about causing scandal with his praise of a person as miserable and base as Hebe de Bonafini. I begin to wonder if God has sent this Pope to us to test our faith, because otherwise I can't explain certain things he does and says.

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