The ban on the sale of combustion cars in 2035 in the European Union

The Spanish MEPs who supported a measure that will make cars more expensive

Esp 2·15·2023 · 7:01 0

This Tuesday, the European Parliament definitively approved a measure that no party included in its program in the 2019 European elections.

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A political decision that will make cars more expensive

As announced by the European Parliament's website, the measure in question -approved with 340 votes in favor, 279 against and 21 abstentions- consists of "reducing CO2 emissions from new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles to zero by 2035". In other words, it will not be possible to buy gasoline or diesel cars in the European Union from 2035. Bearing in mind that electric cars are 50% more expensive than combustion cars, the ban approved yesterday will have consequences devastating for our economy and for our society.

The car, a privilege for the rich because the left-wing imposes it

The increase in the cost of vehicles will mean that families with fewer resources could lose the opportunity to own their own car, a sign of prosperity that we have been enjoying for decades as a result of the effects of the free market. The most absurd thing is that this will happen because of a political decision supported mainly by the left and the extreme left, that is, by the main adversaries of the free market and, at the same time, the same ones who They say they look after the interests of the poorest, but they have just turned having a car into a privilege for the rich.

The measure will also make travel more expensive

The effects of this measure will not be limited to the possibility of owning a car. With the charging limitations of electric car batteries, prohibiting the sale of combustion cars will also make travel more expensive, since if we can now cover a distance of more than 600 kilometers (the distance between Vigo and Madrid) it takes 6 or 7 hours by road, nowadays only certain electric luxury cars cover a distance comparable to that of a combustion car. The long recharging time means that a trip that you used to do in less than a day will now take two, requiring a place to sleep.

The lithium of the batteries, increasingly expensive

On the other hand, this ban on combustion cars will make us dependent on countries that produce lithium, the raw material used to manufacture the batteries of these cars. The largest producers are Australia , Chile and communist China. Also, keep in mind that lithium stocks are limited and its price has increased considerably and there are serious doubts that there is a sufficient quantity as to replace with electric cars all the current combustion car fleet. Added to this is the higher price of electricity and the effects it will have on the cars that depend on it.

This is what the different parties have voted for

The question that many Europeans are now asking is the following: who is responsible for having imposed this ban that seriously threatens the well-being of 447 million Europeans for the sake of environmental extremism? A measure taken without consulting the citizens, despite the fact that it will radically affect us all, and -I repeat- without it having been included in any electoral program of any party in the 2019 elections. What have been so many speeches in favor of a more participatory democracy?

The results of yesterday's votes in the European Parliament can be read here. The results of the vote on the ban on the sale of combustion cars by 2035 can be seen on page 28 of the document. All Greens/EFA MEPs, almost all socialist (S&D) and far-left (The Left) MEPs and most Renew MEPs voted in favor of that ban. All MEPs from the Identity and Democracy (ID) groups and the vast majority of MEPs from the European Conservative and Reformist Group (ECR) and the European People's Party (EPP) voted against. As for Spanish MEPs, this is what that each party voted for:

  • In favour: Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), Izquierda Unida, Podemos, Junts per Catalunya, Catalunya en Comú, Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) and all but one of the Citizens (Cs) MEPs.
  • Against: Popular Party (PP), Vox, José Ramón Bauzá (Cs), Basque Nationalist Party (PNV).
  • Abstention: none.

If the ban imposed yesterday by the European left is going to affect you, you already know which parties to hold accountable for it.


Photo: European Parliament.

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