Only pressure from Vox gets the PP to agree to repeal this type of laws

Vox gets the PP to agree to repeal in Cantabria an ideological law that it maintains in Andalusia

Some do not fully understand the importance of Vox having a presence in the institutions and being key to governability.

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Perhaps the example of what happened in two Spanish regions will help some to realize which vote is really useful in Spain. This Monday, in the Parliament of Cantabria, a Vox initiative was voted to repeal the "historical memory law" approved by the socialists and their PRC partners in the last legislature, a law whose purpose is to impose the vision of the left on the history of Spain, and specifically on the Spanish Civil War.

In the regional elections in May, the PP obtained 15 seats, the PSOE and the PRC obtained 8 seats each and Vox obtained 4. The PP ended up turning to the PRC to avoid governing with Vox, but it knows that Vox, at any moment, could cause the PP to lose the regional government. It would be enough for it to abstain in case the PSOE and the PRC jointly present a motion of no confidence.

This situation makes the PP more receptive to Vox's initiatives, as demonstrated yesterday: the PP supported Vox's initiative , which urges the government of Cantabria to prepare a bill to repeal the ideological law imposed by the left. The question that some may be asking is: would the PP have repealed that ideological law if it had achieved an absolute majority in Cantabria?

It is not necessary to resort to the imagination to find the answer to that question. In Andalusia the left approved a "memory law" very similar to that of Cantabria and until now the Popular Party has not wanted to repeal it , despite having an absolute majority in the Parliament of Andalusia. Vox has requested the repeal of this law on several occasions but the PP has never supported its requests. And now, let the leaders of the PP come again PP to repeat their messages to us, saying that they are the "useful vote" against the left. The facts speak for themselves.


Photo: Parlamento de Cantabria.

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