The text was intended to be read in Palestinian mosques this Friday

An official document of the Palestinian government calls for genocide on the Jews

Esp 10·21·2023 · 7:02 0

The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) seems determined to follow in the footsteps of the terrorist group Hamas in its quest to murder Jews.

Hundreds of jurists from 22 nations accuse Hamas of crimes of genocide against Israel
The terrible images of civilians, including babies and children, murdered by Hamas

An official document of the PNA calling for the destruction of the Jews

This Friday, from the Israeli media Israel Today, its editor, Ryan Jones denounced an ANP document, noting: "On Friday morning, the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas, who Biden tried to meet with this week, published an official government document urging mosques under its jurisdiction to offer sermons that effectively call for the destruction of the Jews."

Israel Today publishes the document in question, written in Arabic and bearing the letterhead of the Ministry of Foundations and Religious Affairs of Palestine, as well as a seal from that ministry. Israel Today notes that the document contains the following text:

"The hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, until the Jew hides behind a stone or a tree and the stone or the tree says, ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"

The document appeared on a Palestinian government Facebook page

This text is extremely serious, since according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 6, what this text does is incite the commission of a crime of genocide, which the aforementioned statute defines as "any of the acts mentioned below, perpetrated with the intention to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such", the first of which being acts classified as the killing of members of the group.

It is not the first time that this text appears. This is a hadith from Abu Hurairah, which attributes those words to the prophet Mahona. Using that call to kill Jews when Israel has just been the victim of a massacre Anti-Semiticism by Palestinian terrorists would mean that the ANP is in tune with the criminal plans of Hamas.

The document issued this week by the Palestinian Ministry of Foundations and Religious Affairs, calling for the extermination of the Jews (Source: Directorate of Foundations of the Governorates of Ramallah and Al-Bireh).

The text is a sermon to be read in Palestinian mosques

I have been looking for official sources from the Palestinian government that published this document and I have found one. This Thursday, the Directorate of Foundations of the Governorates of Ramallah and Al-Bireh, dependent on the aforementioned ANP ministry, published that document on its official Facebook page (here is a copy), with the following indication (in Arabic): "Sermon and program of the preachers of the mosques of the governorate for Friday 20/ 10/2019".

The text of the last paragraph of the document (I have put it with a red rectangle) that calls for exterminating the Jews (Source: Directorate of Foundations of the Governorates of Ramallah and Al-Bireh).

The text with the incitement to exterminate the Jews appears at the end of the document, in the first two lines (you can see the image above these lines). This document should encourage the European Union to completely withdraw the hundreds of millions of euros in public funds that goes to the ANP. It is intolerable that the taxes of European citizens serve to finance calls to commit genocide.

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