In the absence of good arguments to justify their coup to the rule of law in Spain, the left-wing is resorting to a very dangerous argument.
Sánchez asks for respect at the polls after losing the elections
Last Saturday, the ringleader of this attack on the rule of law, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, asked the opposition to "accept the result of the polls and the legitimacy of the government that we will soon form in Spain". The reference to the polls is funny considering that Pedro Sánchez's party, the PSOE, lost the general elections in July, elections that the Popular Party won. A victory that Sánchez has not recognized at any time.
Is deceiving your voters representing the 'popular will'?
Sánchez insisted on the issue of legitimacy, stating that "the new government will predictably be supported by 179 of the 350 deputies", who are "legitimate representatives of the will popular". It is worth asking what kind of representation of the popular will it is to go to an election stating that the amnesty was unconstitutional and then say the opposite, as the PSOE has done, betraying and mocking its voters, to ally itself with those he said he would never ally with. Is deceiving your voters so blatantly representing the "popular will"?
But above all, when the PSOE defended before the elections what the Constitution says and now proposes to violate it, granting its separatist allies an amnesty that before the elections he himself described as incompatible with the Constitution Is that legitimate in a democracy? It is not. It is a fraud on the people and an attack against the Constitution, which was approved by an overwhelming majority in a referendum. A much larger majority than that achieved by the PSOE and its allies in the last elections.
Politicians who punish misleading advertising except when they do it
The only thing that Sánchez represents is his personal will, which is to remain in power at whatever price is necessary, passing the expensive bill on to all Spaniards so that they can pay it themselves. He takes advantage of the fact that our democracy has a fatal flaw: it allows politicians to deceive their voters, telling them that they will do one thing and then betray their promises, without there being any legal consequences for them . Curiously, doing the same in the field of commercial relations is legally punishable as false advertising and imposes obligations on companies towards their clients. Obligations that have been imposed by the same politicians who give themselves the possibility of deceiving their voters with impunity, as Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE have done with theirs.
The majority does not give the right to a government to do whatever it wants.
On the other hand, we are seeing more and more appeals from the left to its majority of seats, as if that gave it the right to do anything, including bypassing the Constitution, doing precisely what they described a few years ago months as contrary to that fundamental law. The reality is that having a majority does not automatically make any political decision democratic. For political power to be truly democratic and legitimate, it is not enough to have the majority. The rulers are obliged to respect rules that prohibit abuses of power.
Some of these norms have the status of international treaties, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights a>, and others are national laws, such as the Spanish Constitution. Believing that the majority is a blank check to do whatever you want is deeply undemocratic. It is, in fact, a form of political absolutism. Unfortunately, history has already known politicians who thought that the majority gave them the right to do whatever they wanted.
The precedent of the German Enabling Law of 1933
On March 24, 1933, a few weeks after the elections that gave victory to the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP, also known as the Nazi Party), the German Parliament approved an Enabling Law for 444 votes in favor and 94 against. The Nazi Party did not have an absolute majority, but it did not need to: that law was supported by nine political parties. That law gave Hitler full powers to legislate without having to go through Parliament. It was the serious attack on the separation of powers that gave way to the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.
Socialism copies national-socialism
Nine decades later, some want us to forget about history and what happens when a majority believes it has the right to violate the separation of powers, which is what the Spanish left intends to do with the support of their separatist allies. This time, the legislative branch and the executive branch intend to subject the judicial branch to their will, simply annulling final sentences and even judicial investigations into crimes committed by the government's allies. It is something purely scandalous and a colossal act of corruption, which turns political power into a mafia.
That is not democracy: it is the first step towards a dictatorship, which is what happens when a majority decides that it has the right to tear down the pillars that support democracy, including judicial independence. A judicial independence in which the PSOE has never believed: has been attacking it for four decades, since the first elections that the PSOE won in 1982, in case some they have forgotten it.
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