An attack on the Constitution, judicial independence and equality before the law

The Congress approves the amnesty: the list of deputies who voted in favor

The left and its separatist allies have approved the amnesty law in Congress today, a clearly unconstitutional law.

Spain: the list of the institutions that reject the socialist attack against the rule of law
Statement of the General Council of the Judiciary of Spain against the amnesty: it is “a serious violation of fundamental rights”

The PSOE applauds a measure that it described as unconstitutional until a few months ago

The Congress of Deputies has approved this law that violates judicial independence and equality before the law, by granting criminal privileges to the government's allies while ignoringand by attempting to create commissions to bring politicians who committed serious crimes subject the judges in charge of prosecuting those crimes to questioning.

The PSOE celebrated its approval with applause and standing up. They celebrated like this a measure that Sánchez and his ministers described as unconstitutional before the general elections of July 2023, when they went from opposing the amnesty to supporting it out of pure convenience , for simple and pure partisan interest.

An unprecedented rejection by the institutions

This law has been approved ignoring the warning of the General Council of the Judiciary, which indicated that it is "a serious violation of fundamental rights" and that implies "arrogating powers that the Constitution entrusts to the Courts". Let us also remember the complaint of more than 1,300 judges indicating that this amnesty means "blowing up the rule of law".

This law has received a unprecedented rejection from all types of institutions, including 11 autonomous governments, the Supreme Court, the 17 Superior Courts of Justice, the 4 largest associations of judges and all associations of prosecutors. , including the judges and prosecutors associations traditionally related to the PSOE. No law had aroused such widespread rejection in the more than 40 years that we have had democracy in Spain.

Those responsible for the approval of this law in Congress

This law violates the Constitution, judicial independence and equality before the law and does so, furthermore, with the sole purpose of providing a personal benefit to Pedro Sánchez, in order to ensure the necessary support for his permanence in power at any price. In this constitutional regime, never had a politician taken his personal interest and his lack of scruples when it came to governing so far. But it must be said, to be fair, that Pedro Sánchez is not the only one responsible for the success of this coup to the rule of law.

Here you can see the parliamentary dossier of this law. At the end of that dossier there is the link to the page of the vote held today in Congress (see PDF), in which this unconstitutional law has been approved by 178 votes in favor and 172 against. That PDF is a public document. This is the list of the deputies who have voted in favor of the amnesty, so that there is a record of what they have done and tomorrow they cannot come denying their participation in this attack on the Rule of Law :

Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)

  1. Aceves Galindo, José Luis
  2. Adrio Taracido, María
  3. Alfonso Cendón, Javier
  4. Almodóvar Sánchez, Emilia
  5. Álvarez González, Alicia
  6. Andrés Añón, Carmen
  7. Aranda Vargas, Francisco
  8. Argota Castro, Trinidad Carmen
  9. Armengol Socias, Francina
  10. Arribas Maroto, Manuel
  11. Azorín Salar, Lázaro
  12. Blanquer Alcaraz, Patricia
  13. Bolaños García, Félix
  14. Camino Miñana, Víctor
  15. Cantera de Castro, Zaida
  16. Casares Hontañón, Pedro
  17. Castilla Álvarez, María Carmen
  18. Cercas Mena, Blanca
  19. Cerdán León, Santos
  20. Cobo Carmona, Ana
  21. Cobo Pérez, Noelia
  22. Conesa Coma, Ignasi
  23. Corujo Berriel, María Dolores
  24. Crespín Rubio, Rafaela
  25. Cruz Santana, Gabriel
  26. De la Rosa Baena, Olvido
  27. Díaz Marín, Raúl
  28. Diouf Dioh, Luc Andre
  29. Fagúndez Campo, Antidio
  30. Faneca López, María Luisa
  31. Fernández Benéitez, Andrea
  32. García Gurrutxaga, María Luisa
  33. García López, Maribel
  34. García Morís, Roberto
  35. Garrido Jiménez, Elisa
  36. González Fernández, Mercedes
  37. González Gracia, Juan Antonio
  38. Gracia Blanco, Marta
  39. Guerra López, Sonia
  40. Guijarro Ceballos, María
  41. Guinart Moreno, Lídia
  42. Gutiérrez Prieto, Sergio
  43. Gutiérrez Santiago, Víctor
  44. Herrera García, Milena
  45. Iniesta Egido, Isabel
  46. Jalloul Muro, Hana
  47. Jerez Antequera, Juan Carlos
  48. Lamuà Estañol, Marc
  49. Lastra Fernández, Adriana
  50. Leal Fernández, Isaura
  51. Llorens Carbonell, Teresa
  52. López Álvarez, Patxi
  53. López Cano, Ignacio
  54. López Zamora, Cristina
  55. Lorenzo Cazorla, Juan Antonio
  56. Losada Fernández, José
  57. Lucas Ayala, Francisco
  58. Maldonado López, Adriana
  59. Marqués Atés, Amador
  60. Martín Martínez, Andreu
  61. Martín Rodríguez, Margarita
  62. Martínez Ramírez, Carmen
  63. Martínez Salmerón, Joaquín
  64. Martínez Seijo, María Luz
  65. Matos Castro, Sergio Carlos
  66. Mayoral de Lamo, Alberto
  67. Mayoral Pérez, Jesús
  68. Mellado Sierra, Valle
  69. Mercadal Baquero, Pepe
  70. Mínguez García, Montse
  71. Miñones Conde, José
  72. Montero Cuadrado, María Jesús
  73. Morales Álvarez, Álvaro
  74. Moreno Fernández, Mª Isabel
  75. Narbona Ruiz, Cristina
  76. Nasarre Oliva, Begoña
  77. Otero Rodríguez, Patricia
  78. Paré Aregall, Josep
  79. Peña Camarero, Esther
  80. Perea i Conillas, María Mercè
  81. Pérez Ortiz, Isabel María
  82. Plaza García, Inés
  83. Poblador Pacheco, María Araceli
  84. Pose Mesura, Modesto
  85. Puente Santiago, Óscar
  86. Rallo Lombarte, Artemi
  87. Ramírez Carner, Arnau
  88. Ramírez Moreno, María de las Nieves
  89. Ramos Esteban, César Joaquín
  90. Redondo Cárdenas, Gonzalo
  91. Regades Fernández, David
  92. Rey de las Heras, Luis Alfonso
  93. Rives Arcayna, Caridad
  94. Rodríguez Gómez de Celis, Alfonso
  95. Rodríguez Palacios, Javier
  96. Rodríguez Salas, José Antonio
  97. Rodríguez Suárez, Esther
  98. Rojo Blas, Alberto
  99. Romero Pozo, Rafaela
  100. Ros Martínez, Susana
  101. Ruiz Boix, Juan Carlos
  102. Ruiz de Diego, Víctor Javier
  103. Sáez Cruz, Emilio
  104. Sahuquillo García, Luis Carlos
  105. Sánchez Díaz, María Carmen
  106. Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, Pedro
  107. Sancho Íñiguez, Herminio Rufino
  108. Santana Aguilera, Ada
  109. Sanz Martínez, Luisa
  110. Sarrià Morell, Vicent Manuel
  111. Senderos Oraá, Daniel
  112. Serrada Pariente, David
  113. Serrano Martínez, Juan Francisco
  114. Simancas Simancas, Rafael
  115. Soldevilla Novials, Alba
  116. Soler Mur, Alejandro
  117. Taboadela Álvarez, Obdulia
  118. Trenzano Rubio, Marta
  119. Verdejo Vicente, Ferran
  120. Zaragoza Alonso, José


  1. Alonso Cantorné, Fèlix
  2. Andala Ubbi, Teslem
  3. Badia Casas, Eloi
  4. Boada Danés, Júlia
  5. Cofiño Fernández, Rafael
  6. Díaz Pérez, Yolanda
  7. Errejón Galván, Íñigo
  8. Gil de Reboleño Lastortres, Esther
  9. González López, Nahuel
  10. Guijarro García, Txema
  11. Ibáñez Mezquita, Alberto
  12. Lago Peñas, Manuel
  13. López Tagliafico, Candela
  14. Martín Urriza, Carlos
  15. Martínez Barbero, Verónica
  16. Martínez Hierro, Lander
  17. Micó Micó, Àgueda
  18. Pin Ferrando, Gala
  19. Pisarello Prados, Gerardo
  20. Pueyo Sanz, Jorge
  21. Rivera Arias, Engracia
  22. Santiago Romero, Enrique Fernando
  23. Santos Maraver, Agustín
  24. Sierra Caballero, Francisco
  25. Valero Morales, Juan Antonio
  26. Vidal Matas, Vicenç
  27. Vidal Sáez, Aina

Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC)

  1. Álvaro Vidal, Francesc-Marc
  2. Bassa Coll, Montserrat
  3. Granollers Cunillera, Inés
  4. Jordà i Roura, Teresa
  5. Rufián Romero, Gabriel
  6. Salvador i Duch, Jordi
  7. Vallugera Balañà, Pilar

Junts per Catalunya

  1. Calvo Gómez, Pilar
  2. Cervera Pinart, Josep Maria
  3. Cruset Domènech, Josep Maria
  4. Gavin i Valls, Isidre
  5. Madrenas i Mir, Marta
  6. Nogueras i Camero, Míriam
  7. Pujol Bonell, Eduard

EH Bildu

  1. Aizpurua Arzallus, Mertxe
  2. Fullaondo la Cruz, Marije
  3. Iñarritu García, Jon
  4. Matute García de Jalón, Oskar
  5. Pozueta Fernández, Isabel
  6. Ruiz de Pinedo Undiano, Iñaki

Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV)

  1. Agirretxea Urresti, Joseba Andoni
  2. Esteban Bravo, Aitor
  3. Legarda Uriarte, Mikel
  4. Sagastizabal Unzetabarrenetxea, Idoia
  5. Vaquero Montero, Maribel

Mixed Group

  1. Ábalos Meco, José Luis (ex PSOE)
  2. Belarra Urteaga, Ione (Podemos)
  3. Rego Candamil, Néstor (BNG)
  4. Sánchez Serna, Javier (Podemos)
  5. Santana Perera, Noemí (Podemos)
  6. Velarde Gómez, Martina (Podemos)


Photo: PSOE.

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