“Abortion, which destroys existing human life, is a heinous evil”

Some reflexions of Saint John Paul II on abortion and the defense of life

Esp 4·02·2024 · 7:03 0

On April 2, 2005, Saint John Paul II left for the Father's House. Thus culminated a pontificate that stood out for the defense of life.

Saint John Paul II and the Catholic Church in the face of abortion: a few words to reflect
The Church and the scandal of politicians who claim to be Catholics and support abortion

The Polish Pope faced one of the greatest scourges of our time: the social acceptance of abortion, that is, the act of killing the most innocent and defenseless human beings. On this anniversary of the death of Karol Wojtyła, I want to remember some of his reflections on abortion and the defense of human life:

"It is necessary to go back to seeing the family as the sanctuary of life. The family is indeed sacred: it is the place in which life — the gift of God — can be properly welcomed and protected against the many attacks to which it is exposed, and can develop in accordance with what constitutes authentic human growth. In the face of the so-called culture of death, the family is the heart of the culture of life." (Centesimus Annus Encyclical Letter. May 1, 1991. Source)

"Abortion, which destroys existing human life, is a heinous evil, and it is never an acceptable method of family planning, as was recognized by consensus at the Mexico City United Nations International Conference on Population (1984)". (Letter to the Secretary General of the UN International Conference on Population and Development, March 18, 1994. Source).

"The Council did not hesitate to describe abortion as an "abominable crime" (Gaudium et Spes, 51). This severe judgment is not only based on the word of Revelation but also on that of reason. of man. Even science today confirms the human character of the embryo, assuring us that, from its conception, it is an original and biologically autonomous being, endowed with an internal project that acts without interruption, until reaching the maturity of its development. Precisely for this reason, God's commandment: Do not kill is valid for the embryo, as well as for people already born. (Words on the occasion of the Angelus on August 7, 1994. Source).

"Prenatal diagnosis, which presents no moral objections if carried out in order to identify the medical treatment which may be needed by the child in the womb, all too often becomes an opportunity for proposing and procuring an abortion. This is eugenic abortion, justified in public opinion on the basis of a mentality-mistakenly held to be consistent with the demands of "therapeutic interventions"-which accepts life only under certain conditions and rejects it when it is affected by any limitation, handicap or illness.

Following this same logic, the point has been reached where the most basic care, even nourishment, is denied to babies born with serious handicaps or illnesses. The contemporary scene, moreover, is becoming even more alarming by reason of the proposals, advanced here and there, to justify even infanticide, following the same arguments used to justify the right to abortion. In this way, we revert to a state of barbarism which one hoped had been left behind forever." (Evangelium Vitae Encyclical Letter, March 25, 1995. Source).

"The 25th anniversary of the decision which effectively legalized abortion on demand in the United States is a call to people of goodwill to reflect seriously on the devastating consequences of that step. Now is the time for recommitment to the building of a culture of absolute respect for life from conception to natural death.

As the experience of the past 25 years has shown, legalized abortion has been a destructive force in the lives of many individuals, especially women who are often left alone to bear the deep sorrow and regret which follow the decision to destroy the life of an unborn child. But the proliferation of procured abortions has also had deleterious effects on society at large, not least in a weakening of respect for the life of the elderly and the infirm, and a coarsening of the moral sense. When the killing of the innocent is sanctioned by law, the distinction between good and evil is obscured and society is led to justify even such clearly immoral procedures as partial-birth abortion.

Amid the grave threats to human dignity and freedom represented by abortion, euthanasia and other crimes against God's gift of life, it is a positive sign of the times that, through the efforts of a broad spectrum of concerned citizens, there has been a gradual mobilization of consciences in support of life. As part of this great affirmation of the Gospel of life, I urge you to continue your praiseworthy efforts to educate people about the evil of abortion, to offer counsel, encouragement and help to women and families in difficult situations, and to continue to seek full legal protection for the unborn." (Letter to the Archbishop of Boston, December 29, 1997. Source).

"There can be no true peace without respect for life, especially if it is innocent and defenceless as is that of the unborn child. Elementary coherence requires those who seek peace to safeguard life. No pro-peace activity can be effective unless attacks on life at all its stages, from conception until natural death, are as energetically opposed." (Address to a delegation of the Italian movement for life, May 22, 2003. Source).

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