The European Jewish Association also accuses her of calling for “genocide”

Jewish organizations from Europe and the US denounce the anti-Semitism of Yolanda Díaz

The message from the communist vice president of Sánchez's government using an anti-Semitic slogan has already provoked international reactions.

A vice president of Sánchez's government openly calls to erase Israel from the map
The links of Yolanda Díaz's party with a terrorist group that supports Hamas

A slogan used by terrorists to call for the disappearance of Israel

This Wednesday, Díaz finished a message with the motto "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea", a slogan used by Palestinian terrorism to demand the disappearance of Israel and the extermination of the Jews in the Middle East. This incendiary message has provoked harsh reactions among the Jewish community in Spain, the rest of Europe and the United States, denouncing Díaz's anti-Semitism.

ACOM describes Yolanda Díaz as a “miserable nazi”

In Spain, the Jewish organization Action and Communication on the Middle East (ACOM) has qualified Yolanda Díaz of "miserable Nazi" and added in a message published on Twitter: "She knows perfectly well what she said, she aspires and wants what he said to come true: THE EXTERMINATION OF THE JEWS between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea."

The Jewish Communities of Spain accuse Díaz of encouraging “hatred towards Jews”

Likewise, this Thursday the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE), the institution that officially represents Spanish Jews, published a statement in which it stated that "it considers unacceptable the institutional statement made yesterday on its social networks by the Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, in which she defends the disappearance of Israel."

The FCJE adds: "The Minister said “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea", a slogan used by the terrorist organization Hamas and which represents the extermination of the Jewish state. This slogan is also used by her party colleague and minister Sira Rego and not only demonstrates her anti-Semitism but also promotes aversion towards Spanish Jews. The ministers, instead of working for the defense and security of Spaniards of Jewish religion, encourage rejection and hatred towards Jews."

The European Jewish Association accuses Díaz of supporting a "genocide"

Yolanda Díaz's anti-Semitic harangue has also transcended Spanish borders. Yesterday, the European Jewish Association (EJA), which represents hundreds of Jewish communities in Europe, issued a harsh statement in which it stated: "The Spanish Vice-President, Yolanda Diaz, is openly calling for the genocide of the world’s only Jewish State, Israel. This cannot and must not stand. We immediately call on Josep Borrell to condemn this. EU Member States have obligations under the treaties not to call for the annihilation of third countries."

The EJA also states the following: "We immediately call for Prime Minister Sanchez to distance the Spanish Government from these genocidal remarks. The Vice-President’s from the river to the sea call carries with it echoes of the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Spain in 1492, not to mention the thousands burned alive in auto-da-fe’s. Her statement is also an endorsement of Hamas’ ideology. She must resign."

The European Jewish Congress accuses Díaz of “fostering hatred and violence against Jews”

Also this Thursday, the European Jewish Congress (EJC), which represents Jewish communities from 42 countries and 2.5 million European Jews, issued a statement on Twitter stating: "The statements made by Spanish VP Yolanda Díaz, using the slogan "from the river to the sea," are a complete disgrace. This chant has been championed by fundamentalist Islamist terrorists for years and is a clear call for the elimination of Israel, fostering hatred and violence against Jews. Such antisemitic rhetoric is utterly unacceptable and has no place in a democratic society. It is absolutely intolerable that they have been voiced by a vice president of a European government."

The American Jewish Committee denounces that Díaz “puts the Jewish community of Spain in danger”

Finally, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), one of the oldest Jewish advocacy organizations in the United States, issued a statement on Twitter stating: "Words matter. For the second time in recent weeks, a high-ranking Spanish official has called for Palestinian freedom "from the river to the sea." VP Yolanda Díaz isn't only endorsing a rallying cry used by terrorists to eradicate the world's only Jewish state. Her message also puts the Jewish community of Spain in danger and goes against the country’s desire for a two-state solution. We hope she is held accountable for her words."

Sánchez's government leaves Spain's image in tatters

At the time of writing these lines, the communist Yolanda Díaz has not yet rectified her words nor has she apologized for them. The president of the government of Spain, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, has also not fired that vice president for her anti-Semitic message.

Spain will end up suffering the consequences, on an international scale, of having the most anti-Semitic government in the European Union, a government that is endangering Jewish communities in Spain and other countries by encouraging violence against them, and that in doing so leaves the image of Spain in tatters. As a Catholic and as a Spanish citizen, I cannot do less than express my total support for Israel and the Jewish communities and my absolute rejection of a government that day after day makes millions of Spaniards feel a mixture of disgust and shame seeing the things he is doing.


Photo: Efe. The socialist Pedro Sánchez, president of the government of Spain, sitting on the blue bench of Congress (reserved for the executive) next to the second vice president of the government, the communist Yolanda Díaz.

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